The final topic of Season 1

Betrayal Doesn’t Exist

Betrayals happen for those who are not smart enough to persuade.

Vishruth Harithsa


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

As we all know there are only 4 kinds of feeling in this world and the rest of other emotions that we get is the part of them. Pleasant, Unpleasant, Calm & Arousal are the 4 feelings where the rest of the emotions like jealousy, possession, vengeance, blessing, happiness, love, etc. comes under them.

Betrayal is a part of the feeling that is arousal. In our daily lives, we see many people are outsmarted by others who have experience, advantages, and influences. Becoming a part of something that represents this kind of feeling, drag our mental emotions down. It will be hard to wake up from it.

Assume that you outsmarted someone in getting a job or taking contracts from customers. For a brief period, your competitor will become jealous or envy — this is an unpleasant feeling.

Stop being sad for such feelings and start working on those, that define who you are and what you are made of. Every one of us is having a unique skill set. Nobody is better than anybody. If your friend communicates well with the people and you are being shadowed by his/her skill, the problem is not your friend. It is the problem inside you to think about your friend that he/she is better than you.

If Steve Wozniak, thought about Steve Jobs as the person who talks well with others and persuasive ability of him is better than his invention skills, we never would have got a chance to use one of the best technology marvels of our generation (iPad, macOS, iPhone, iPod -Legacy, MacBook and Mac Pro).

See now, what do you think about betrayal? Is it the problem of the people around you or the person who is inside you? Of course, it is a problem of the person who is inside you that making you feel unpleasant or arousing bad feeling about other people.

How to overcome deceit?

When we are bypassed by someone who thinks better than us, we become pale and weak by knowing how they are growing off from the growth of them.

Making sure that you are smart enough no not to get deceived, you have to understand the worth of your self-respect. The best thing to not to be deceived in life is to make part of you to be selfish in decision-making.

Recently, I have faced a similar situation. I’d rather say I was not smart enough to understand the things around me. Hence, I was outsmarted by the people around me. Here is what I did to overcome, I consulted one of my very few people who I trust and I got the advice to be selfish and bad as I can be — Bad not in the sense of illegal manner, bad means as the badass you can be.

It was hard for me to understand what was happening in my life. I was completely lost in life with emotional attachment. Thus, I chose to do what matters in life. I adopted essentialism and this doesn’t make me selfish, it just made me explore my life and later helped me to eliminate unwanted thoughts that were going on in my mind.

Execution to become better was pretty hard for me therefore, I started to list out all the things that made me feel I am weak and in another sheet of paper, I wrote my strengths. When I combined both of ’em, I was only able to list my weaknesses more than strength. This happens in everyone’s life when we feel remorse and betrayed. So, here is the challenge for you — start telling yourself every day that you are smarter than you think and whatever happened all because for a reason and good — this ritual practice will help you to get out of weakness pretty soon.

Life is not just about how we live it. It is like a school that deposits all experiences that are good and bad into our account. Our principles, character, and values define us to move on with life.

The very basic trait we all can have is to increase our spirit by feeding our minds with rightful information that makes us smarter. Improving our everyday bit by bit will change our life on the whole.

We are lazy to change our habits that can change our destiny as Stephen Covey says,

Sow a thought, reap an action; Sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny. — Stephen R Covey

It starts from thought and it ends in shaping up to our destiny. If you think of something good, good things will follow. If you think of bad, bad things will happen.

It is similar in betrayal as well. When we start thinking that the betrayal is happened to get a good life and to move on, nothing can stop you from achieving what you are destined to be. If you start thinking that betrayal made you a loser or took everything from you, you can never be able to reap the good destiny that is waiting for you in life.

Betrayal is faced by the people who went out and took risks, who are crazy, who are surprisingly good at doing tasks. People who play safe never face betrayals as well as they never see challenges in life. Life without challenge is like a pizza without cheese.

Go out there try something new. Don’t fear for life or people who are smarter than you. You can only be smarter than them if you know them. Read people, explore individuals, take risks to enjoy the journey of life.

Betrayal is not an end, it is the start of a new road to explore and execute your destiny by eliminating one threat at a time.

Keep reading and Keep Learning



Vishruth Harithsa

A Software Engineer with half a decade of experience toward observability and a decade of experience with programming. Sometimes I Write, Listen and Talk.