Fun — A tale of Mr. Chocolate

Chocolaty scumbag emotion defined by light-hearted pleasure

Vishruth Harithsa
5 min readNov 27, 2019


A podcast about Fun in PWG, voice by Varun Gn

Today I am going to write about fun and which is a difficult part for me to write as I am always intended to write about self-help emotions. I hope to navigate you toward fun in this article. On the way, I want to remember a few personalities when we think about fun, Charlie Chaplin, Mr. Bean, and others. I want to dedicate this article to those who like to give their life purpose by making others happy around them.

The fun has been speculated that it may be derived from fonne (fool) and fonnen (the one fooling the other). Whenever we derive fun, we think of having a better life with it.

It is certain to make ourselves comfortable in the way we communicate to be friendly to express the fun we pursue. Let me tell you a story about fun to keep you engaged.

There was a town, full of happy people who never saw sadness. The town name is called Sadtown. The main functions of Sadtown were, Happiness, Comfortness, Richness, Love and Zero Commitments. These people never are known to Sadness, Betrayal, Conspiracies, Cruelty.

One day, their community head called up a meeting to explain a situation that they were in, his name was Perkins Chocolate. Mr. Chocolate has his way of tackling the problems.

He was the reason for people to be happy in that town. In the meeting, a boy came to him and complained about his toy got lost. Since Mr. Chocolate was head of the town, he accepted to find it and return to the child. He started to look for the toy and he was no idea how that toy looks like rather than knowing its name as Jumbo. He taught himself about some crime stories and journals about how to be a detective.

Mr. Chocolate started thinking about searching the toy all around the park in the town center, “No no no wait! let me check my pocket before” said to himself. He saw his hands and tried to search his pocket, but there was no pocket in his pants because there was no pant on his legs. He nodded his head and again thought about searching for his pants around somewhere. Before doing, he went to complain about the pant he lost to the townies.

Everybody started to wonder about the pants of Mr. Chocolate. Throughout the town, people started to search for his pants. They called themselves and offered a bounty for the person who finds it. Bounty was the toy that kid has lost. Now the situation is, what if Mr. Chocolate finds the pant by himself? He cannot take the toy as a bounty or even if somebody finds his pants, he cannot offer them the toy.

To get out of this ambiguity, he decided not to wear pants throughout his lifetime until he by himself find Jumbo. He declared the statement to townies that not to go search for Jumbo or his pants. He insisted on himself to search for both and later return Jumbo to its rightful owner Dumbo (Kid who complained about losing the toy).

Now, Mr. Chocolate went in the search of Jumbo for Dumbo in the pursuit of his pants all over Sadtown. He searched every corner, streets, stores, and houses in the town for 3 years but he found neither Jumbo nor Pants. People of the town, for this reason, started to fall apart eventually for the effort of their head there was no result. They started to worry about Dumbo and Mr. Chocolate.

Dumbo was ill without Jumbo. In all of their lives, this was the first thing missing and Mr. Chocolate did everything he could to find Jumbo nor Pants. Gradually Dumbo dies due to depression. Nobody in the whole town was able to help the kid to get out of his misery because everybody is strangers to sadness and never experienced this kind of loss.

Before they use to do parties, have fun and enjoy their lives all the time and for the first time, the whole town got introduced to sadness. This is the reason this town got the name Sadtowwn. People consider their hometown as sad about this small incident. Finally, Mr. Chocolate never found Jumbo for Dumbo in the pursuit of his pants.

The above story tells about people who never had any connection opposite to fun for their whole lives. When a person doesn’t know about sadness, he cannot see the value for fun — vice versa. In our life, we must accept both fun and sadness.

Fun helps us to live our lives with satisfaction and sadness helps us to live our lives with meaning, purpose, and gratitude toward fun. Fun is pleasant, the sheer unexplainable pleasure that forgets to know life from the other side and sadness builds your brain with experience to understand our inner strength. We shouldn’t tackle fun with sadness and sadness with fun.

We must experience both to make our life easier and wherever a bigger problem comes, we all need to be ready to handle. We need not live a life like Sadtown people. They just gave up themselves for simple problems instead of accepting it.

Fun is the behavior of a person who lives carefree. In our lifetime, we choose fun in playing games, talking to a friend, solving problems, pursuing challenges, and helping others. We can respect fun or we can also change our findings.

Ultimately, Mr. Chocolate has to find his pants and Dumbo needed to accept the fact that Jumbo was gone. Mr. Chocolate finds his pants in Happytown — people there were sad all the time. Head of the town named, Prescilla Cake — Both fell in love to become Chocolate Cake thereafter and lived in the town called SappyTown.

Mr. Chocolate & Ms. Cake with people from SappyTown. Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

SappyTown is the unification of Sad and Happy towns. HappyTown got its name as happy because finally, people witnessed love in their town by finding a pant from Sadtown and witnessed the first happy moment of their lives. In the end, SappyTown lives forever & it matters.

Believing in having fun all the time is not a mistake. It enriches your mind. Over enrichment can also causes our brain to work differently and do terrible things. If the same brain knows how to be sad, it acts a layer of protection to getting itself destroyed. Fun is the creator of happiness and also the sadness. The way we take it, that matters.



Vishruth Harithsa

A Software Engineer with half a decade of experience toward observability and a decade of experience with programming. Sometimes I Write, Listen and Talk.