How Do We Define the Purpose of Life?

The purpose of our life can only be discovered when you start from nothing even after getting everything

Vishruth Harithsa
6 min readDec 25, 2019


Drawing by Spoorthi Usha

It is quite common these days about how we work in our daily life. Obsession, Greed, Envy and Wishes to be rich or for the power. There are only two things that matter for many of us around here, i.e. Power and Money.

On top of Power, humans expect Money. It is commonly quite these days, If you have power, the money will come to you. As I witnessed, rich people stay rich and poor are climbing to the middle class and the people in the middle-class level stay the same. The real problem for the people is when the poor become middle class, the population in that category becomes more and when there is an imbalance between rich and poor, our life purpose loses its value.

As in democratic nations, only 1% of the people rule the rest of 99% of the population. This is quite common in developing countries. When people get hypocrites, the purpose of life deteriorates.

To regain the purpose of life and constantly reminding ourselves that we are here for a reason and we are here to make difference, we must be proactive, essentialist, technologist and certainties who looks at the higher things to count on. Who devotes himself to bigger causes and dedicates to the growth of humanity.

Let’s think, what is our purpose? Why are we here? What is our place? Is there any reason for our creation? Our purpose as humans become critical when we tend to work on ourselves with selfish instincts. In the pursuit of finding one’s purpose, most of us forget what we are there for and what we are supposed to do. We have given this beautiful planet and life to live on and help ourselves to strive together.

Eventually, with all the attraction we have, we forget to live instead, we just survive and persuade each other. Some people have values to help each other and some got a purpose to depend on others. There are 3 divisions in our life span with each having one purpose to complete.

Three Stages and Three Purposes:

Childhood, Adulthood and Old Age. Each level of the span has its purposes. In childhood, our purpose is to learn and plan for the future. Learning is a lifetime mission for all of us but learning in childhood makes us exceptional. It is a foundation for our growth and how we live our life. The reason every self-help books talk about changing routines, thinking, and habits is because of, less strong basement we made in our childhood. We play a lot and our environment never care about us and our future. Child’s cuteness and over care toward a child from the people around masks the child to explore the boundaries of humanity and the true purpose of life.

When the foundation is not strong, we must work hard to make things right when we grow up and reroute all our efforts that we need to make to find the purpose, of making our basement strong. What are we supposed to do in our adulthood? How can we find the purpose of life? Instead of living life to its fullest, we enjoy life by taking it for granted. We already know that we have given infinite attractions to enjoy our life and to live in it. Adulthood comprises of 2 stages as well. Youngster and Adult. At our young age, we tend to misuse our freedom and spend time in partying, hanging out and taking life for granted instead of being kind and continue learning. I know I sound like a nerd but that is true. I am not suggesting to abandon all the fun, I am just explaining how you can enjoy life with purpose instead of life without purpose.

Read books, gather knowledge, eat healthily, talk well, smile at people, be kind to them and never criticize. Along with all of them, now you have a chance to have some fun in life. Like partying, boozing and dancing your way out. Purpose of life is not all about fun, the very purpose of our existence is to make sure we thrive together instead of getting lost somewhere in the Amazon forest. When we focus less on purpose and concentrate more on temporal paradoxes, our life loses its meaning and backfires us. This affects the second stage of Adulthood i.e. Adults who are above 30years of age. As per the research, people who are above 30 are the ones losing more health or the ones who are symptom to lose health in their future. In our 20s we all take our lives for granted and spend much energy on doing unproductive work. After our body loses its immunity, it starts to deteriorate. Hence it is important to keep our body and mind healthy.

We loose childhood purpose from the environment we grew up, Adulthood gets contaminated by ourselves for not being better at laying the foundation at childhood and taking life for granted. We fall in love to enjoy the feeling and for the attraction that gives us temporary joy about life by neglecting the things that matter to us. Few are lucky to find love in their lives and most of us are not meant to be like that. I am talking about the people who don’t try to find their purpose in life. I have seen several individuals who are very smart. They choose to be right no matter how many people get hurt by their decessions. Those kinds of individuals are smart enough to experience everything in life from agony to pleasure at the right time. They get it to enjoy it and leave it. These people don’t stick to anything except for their purpose. I call this kind of people as pricks, betrayers, egoistic and selfish.

Finding the purpose of life is necessary but the way how we find it has its value as well. Finding purpose alone is less than good but helping others to find their purpose and along with them, when we find our purpose is the best way to accomplish our existence.

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

When we squander the opportunities that life gave us in these 2 stages of our life span, we tend to stay far from the third purpose i.e. Significance or Building legacy. If we brace ourselves and construct the city of dreams, the third stage will have its advantage of teaching others about the wonders you did in your life with experiences and nurture young minds. We all die someday with or without fulfilling our purpose. But, in the end, when we imagine our lives with the regret of not accomplishing our life’s true purpose, we tend to die with pain.

Don’t remember your life without you when you look back at it.

Create the life that is filled with purpose. First purpose is learning, second is making world a better place together and third is the significance or building your legacy.

Love the people around you more. Don’t run behind temporary love which has no meaning to it. Finding the purpose of life is significant and essential. You got to make the right choices at the right time when you are given choices to choose from. Remove the obstacle which creates 1000s of them in the future by identifying it right now. Be a good thinker. Take time from your normal life every day for 5 mins and think about your presence. Be mindful. The purpose will automatically find its way.

As we are at the end of this article, let’s understand one thing, the purpose of life is to do better everyday and lifelong we are dedicated to learning with unlimited possibilities to experience. Every breath we take is different and it has a purpose to live on.

Be the one who die with no regrets and the people around you talks about you and others who will be with you. Start your journey alone and end it with an army of family for those who you are the closest to their hearts.

Let’s join the hands of humanity to learn more and progress toward knowing a fantasy called life.

Keep learning and be stable. Stay hungry, stay foolish.



Vishruth Harithsa

A Software Engineer with half a decade of experience toward observability and a decade of experience with programming. Sometimes I Write, Listen and Talk.