Season 1’s Penultimate Topic

Kindness is Ingenious

Kindness is the key in reinvention or redemption of our past failures and success

Vishruth Harithsa


@TonyTheTigersSon via Twenty20

We always wonder how life is and what it is made of. Recently, I learned 3 things to live for, Consistency, Patience, and Focus. Each one of them is very difficult to come by. It requires a lot of practice and determination that should be guided by devotion toward growth. I can write all day about how to be a good productive person and what it takes to be kind and humble individual but unless you follow your own rules and discovered experiences, nothing makes sense. I write so that it may help others to learn from my mistakes or any takeaways.

Everyone around here has their own rules for life and culture to lead. The only thing that stops us from going insane is kindness and patience. Conscious about being kind most of the time is hard to come by. We need to make this a habit. In this article, I am going to list and tell you what it takes to be kind of how that helped me to rediscover a few things that led me to become what I am now.

Life is cruel sometimes and this happens because of the past doings or the decisions that we took in life. When I was young, I liked people who shown much care and love to me in a kind way and the people who are scolding, are considered to be my villains. later, I understood the people who were villains are the ones who cared for me more. Kindness comes in 2 types, one is internal and another is external. I observed many people in my life where people who seem to be rude are the ones who are kind internally and polite people are the ones tougher internally.

We act rude because of the insecurity and the fear we have for this world. There is a concept where there is no need to either hard nor polite in life. Balancing between ourselves is the true path for kindness. When we stop being fearful, this opens the way for the kindness that is required in life.

How to reinvent ourselves with Kindness?

There are millions of people around the world are helping millions who need help but still, billions are there in need of help. Before helping someone, we need to help ourselves with the thoughts that inspire us. We can observe in our daily life, when we work hard or we don’t work for some time, we become rusty and it’s difficult to obliterate procrastinating mind. Our thoughts will burn out and when we don’t get to decide what to do with life.

Before doing something different, try these things to follow kindness in life,

  • Never blame anyone or any situation in life: Blaming is a powerful thing. Who or what you blame, comes nearer to you than peace. So, if you ever want to blame something, blame peace to encounter peace all the time.
  • Remember the person you love: Do you love someone or yourself doesn’t matter, just remember the person. This gives you inner strength in handling tough times and makes difficult calls.
  • Help at least a person whenever you can: When you are traveling, walking or you see a person who needs help, just go and talk to him/her and ask what she needs. Sometimes, people need someone to listen to their problems. If you at least listen to them, it is equally beneficial to them as you are donating money to them.
  • Think about ideas and write them down: Lot of ideas come to our mind, while bathing, traveling and when we are mostly alone and thinking about us. List ’em down in a book. Writing is effective than storing digitally.
  • Get busy in redirecting your thoughts to different categories: If you are feeling not doing anything, take some time out from your routine and start to focus and calm your mind. Once your mind is calm, start thinking about different things like, how do rats sleep? or how am I able to stand and move my hands at the same time?

The above steps which I have mentioned are the major adoption points to generate kindness in heart and empathizing the world in-front of us

Never blame someone or yourself when you are trying to love the person you love that most. Remember to remember them, help others, think about how you can improve the world around you and get busy in changing your thoughts.

If you feel difficulty in following the above steps to be kind and you still want to break the conventional methods that are hurting you,

  1. Give your life to the hands of the Subconscious mind: this is the key to change your life. When you leave challenging tasks to your subconscious mind, one way or the other, you will get a solution. You just have to ask for it. If you don’t ask for the solution, you never get one.
  2. Try to break your daily routine: Breaking the loop is an effective one to do when we don’t get answers in life. Instead of getting ready to work, go for a movie in the morning show, visit shopping malls and do some window shopping.
  3. Travel solo for a day or two: Take leave for 2 days from work if you need to and refresh yourself. Go somewhere out of state and come back after 2 days. When you see new people and their culture, it expands your creative side of your brain and helps you to get a unique way of thinking.

Following life in a way where you find all the joy and kindness that prepares you to lead a life in a way that helps others and yourself to grow. Kindness does not only help you to change your life, but it also affects your surroundings, people, you and everything that is connected to you.

Kindness is a part of the connective journey

Kindness is not just about being humble or being polite it is the nature of humans to get work done with our environment. As we all know about karma and Karmic debts. In the book, “Secrets of Karma” author Vee Jay Attri clearly stated that everything in the universe is connected. How we are can change the whole complexion of the world and also we can inspire the world with the things we do. It seems to be in minute amount but it affects largely.

Consider you are an artist of a guy who uses social media regularly. You never know al the people who comment on your posts or thoughts, but still, they like you and get inspired by your words. You will never get to know their story perhaps, you even don’t know you are the one who changed their life for good. This is how we all connected anonymously in this world of technology where it is helping humans to stay more connected than ever.

If you are being kind in your life, people around you will change and start to be like you. Maybe you are unaware of the things that are happening but, it affects your surroundings by your vibe.

The secret is the law of attraction, kindness works on top of this principle. The secret is a book by Rhonda Byrne, In The Secret, she explains with simplicity the law that is governing all lives, and offers the knowledge of how to create — intentionally and effortlessly — a joyful life.


We live life in a way that attracts others. maybe it is negative or positive inspirations but one way or the other, we always attract each other. Being kind is a part of life where we can make the world around us better and connect with it naturally. The whole universe is there to support our thoughts no matter what it is.

Letting the universe to connect with us is how we can stay motivated and do good things that take our humanity to the next level.

When we arrive in the balcony or world, all we see is the ends of universe and the real beauty in it. We witness infity of horizon and kindness is a tiny star that brings us the joy to enrich our freedom. Deep down we all have kindness but in a different way.

Be Kind and Courageous, This article is also published in



Vishruth Harithsa

A Software Engineer with half a decade of experience toward observability and a decade of experience with programming. Sometimes I Write, Listen and Talk.