Music — Inheritance of Love

Soulless inspiration to live life with a soul

Vishruth Harithsa
6 min readNov 28, 2019


Today I am going to write about music which drives us every day in our work, travel, joy, happiness, and admiration. When we feel about music it grows in our hearts and mind. It gives us a kind of pleasure that no fun can deliver. It has specifics to it, vibrations to it and message to it. Building a template inside our head about different sounds we like, arrange our emotions to be in control. Imagine yourself with a violin in your hand standing in front of the sunrise at 6 A.M above the mountain which is 5000 meters high above the ground. How do you feel? you don’t know how to play music with it but still, you will try and create some tune which makes you feel happy at that moment.

Illustration by Spoorthi Usha

Our mind is designed to respond to music and it creates a pattern to the vibrations around you. This is the reason we find several medical cases that are cured through music. We can call music as a pleasant sound that touches our heart. It stitches our emotions into unified happy patterns that are detected by our body and creates happy hormones. The word derives from Greek μουσική (mousike; “art of the Muses”). Music has different forms in other cultures but it has made up of 7 vibration patterns created by Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Da Ni. These 7 patterns create goodwill in our brain when we listen to it.

Several types of music are developed by other cultures all around the world from the start of time. We are not only the ones who are created, but we can also listen to the songs of nature every day from the chirping of birds, the flow of water, passing wind, calling of animals. They are all-natural phenomena created by Nature for us and they still follow 7 vibration patterns.

As we all know that music is everything. Every atom constitutes music when it moves from a place to another. Let me take you all to the journey where you will understand what music is and how important it is in our life. Along the way, a little history about it as well.

Remember that we are standing on the top of the mountain listening to all kinds of sounds that are approaching your ear. What kind of sound do you concentrate on? Just close your eyes and think about this moment. This time you don’t have a violin in your hands. You are free, calm and bit tired after 5000m of trekking. While you think just remember this, the first-ever musical instrument invented by man is drums (percussion instruments). Early drums were made up of rocks, sticks. Observe your mind and concentrate on only sounds that are produced by fast blowing winds and some rocks around you.

Now, concentrate on the sound of birds and sounds of animals around you. There may be insects and other kinds of creatures that are calling their own. Leaving all of them behind, now observe your inner voice from the ear. You observe a beep sound and the sound of fire burning in you. You heard different sounds now and I think you already started to know about how this works. Open your mind to all of the sounds around you and just let it flow through you. Understand the music that is already there in you. As we all can think and create whatever we want, to all those sounds we can give a shape. We can form words to make them more beautiful.

Music is the key to everyone’s life. The modulation of music started by humankind in 4000 BC with advanced instruments like flutes and harps. It is used to celebrate, it is used in ceremonies, it is used everywhere we go and no matter what. Just imagine a life without music. The main difference between sound and music is simple, the sound has randomness and music is the random sound put together at pleasant frequencies. The uniformity makes us feel the sound like music. If there is no arrangement of sound, all the sounds around us will just be an interaction without pleasant vibration.

When it comes to the modern world, we cannot forget The Beatles when it comes to music. Likewise, many musicians are trying to create better music every day.

What makes music special?

Remember the life you are in and understand how you are living it. Let me give you an example, when you feel alone, sad and remorse is there any way you fight that situation without any kind of Inspiration? You require something to change your current state of dull mind, here you choose to do a lot of activities try to take your mind off. At this time, music comes to your rescue. Upon listening to the music of your favorite choice, your mood swings back to normal. According to research, music has the power to change your mind. This happens when your favorite vibrations hit your brain via music, serotonin is released in your body which is called happy hormone.

Music as a culture

Music is an idea of expressing emotion and opinions. The nature of music tells about the person and his/her expression. Often music is created to express deeper thoughts inside one’s mind. It has got several traditions across the world. Every religion has it’s own music. Sometimes I do like the music of other cultures based on my mood. I can say there is no music about culture but culture defines the music and its nature.

Music in Love

Have you ever thought about expressing your love to someone? When we don’t have words to express, we choose music to impress. Loving someone is not only about you loving them. It is about how you make your partner understand how much you love. This is my true experience, I loved a person more than everything and I put myself first as a line of defense to protect her. I potentially did everything I have in my mind to see her happy and to keep her comfortable. All of those things I did out of love and finally I failed to express my love and make her understand how much I love her. She left me and went far away and found the person she loves. I always dreamt about composing a song about her and our friendship and sitting in front of a fire camp playing the guitar of my own.

I wanted to talk about her express about her in music. When we can’t say anything in words, music will talk. The beauty of music lies in the heart of a person.

Extending Journey:

Look around you and feel the music that approaches your ear and lives in your heart. I do listen to songs at least an hour every day while I walk, exercise, commute, and program. Music keeps my mind healthy. As we listen to music, it hears our inner voice and delivers the pattern to make us happy.

No power can dethrone music as it is nature. It is the God we all bow for. It can be our friend, it can be our God but it can never be our enemy. The only entity in the world which has no side effects is music.

To understand the true meaning of music, join my journey for the last time, remember the person you love the most in your life, sitting beside you and holding her hand. Her head on your shoulders, your hand is on her cheeks. Closing your eyes listening to your favorite song and when the time comes you both get up and start to dance for the music. For the music, she hugs you and you both start to feel the real music in your hearts. With the same person for your whole lifetime, you get a chance to wake up every day. Beside her, looking her asleep with a piece of calm music at the back of your room.

How beautiful our lives will be, right? The moment we spend with our loved ones makes our life happy. Happiness with music is an epic moment. Music adds flavor to happiness. It always drags us to happiness like a bar of chocolate.

Happiness is an integral part of human. The kind of happiness music provides to our life is like a stress buster, emotion enhancer, humanity explorer, expressor of love, symbol of trust, and builder of knowledge . Music is life and it is one of the kind. Nothing ever can replace music with any other substitutes. The entity with zero enemies and disadvantages of suffering.



Vishruth Harithsa

A Software Engineer with half a decade of experience toward observability and a decade of experience with programming. Sometimes I Write, Listen and Talk.