Power is Self-Attractive

When we are on power, we like to kiss death.

Vishruth Harithsa
4 min readDec 25, 2019


Photo by Lopez Robin on Unsplash

We talk about the power all day we want but it is gonna teach us only 2 things, one is to be fearless in doing anything we want of the power and another is to take control of everything who/which has less power than us.

We all know superhero movies and we also hear the quote, “With great power comes great responsibility!” its true and we have to agree for it. When we possess the power that others don’t have, we first tend to misuse it for our self-attraction. Power comes from anywhere like taking drugs, having the technology or having support from powerful people around you as we call it as an influence.

Now, let’s get real. Those are the talks for chosen ones. To attain power which helps us to build that strength to tackle situations, making tough choices and bearing responsibility for the people around you comes from within. It is also called as mind power. It is the power to control our emotions and thoughts, taking decisions on behalf of the people for the people around us. Power is inflicted upon everyone and the person who dares to understand and process it will rise.

Let’s talk about mind power which is similar to will power we talked about in my previous article. They both contribute to the growth of our inside humans with little differences. Will power defines the decision you take but mind power helps you to generate the will. Simply, we can say that mind power is the generator of the will power.

How to develop the power inside us to know its true potential?

The potential of one’s power is limitless. You can train your brain like however, you want. Many scholars call it a monkey. As long as we can’t control it, our mind travels everywhere without a destination. To build our minds, we have to control it every day. There are few steps to do that,

  • Live through your mistakes: Remember the mistakes of your past and get to live with it every day by remembering them. Remember them till you feel no regret from your past. You have to accept it to be strong.
  • Consistent mind exercises: (Eg. Meditation) Doing regular exercise for the mind like meditation, living each day with determination about focussing toward your goal helps to gain a hell lot of power.
  • Take decisions out of your comfort level: We always consider ourselves to make decisions that are only good for us. We may call it as selfishness. Daily just for once every day, think about the people around you before considering any choices that let you move forward.
  • Positive thinking: We know lots of advantages by being positive in any situation. Think about being positive for the words you hear from your boss or your partner that offends you. Think from their perspective. When you do that, your mind starts to harness the power you can never imagine.

Once we follow all these steps regularly, we start to win over. This exclaims to get to know the possibilities to uncover the power we have. This is about mental strength and how we can achieve in our daily life. This usually takes years of practice to generate a kind of unlimited power where we can do a lot better to other people around us.

When we get the power in our minds about what we dreamt about, we feel a miracle. We find ourselves invincible, attractive, stand out and untapped. This will also lead us to develop all of the 7 sins. These sins possible consume us before going for power while attaining it and after taking over power. Once we are at the top of everything by winning ourselves, getting the monkey in our mind chained up — arrogance, wrongdoings will prevail inside — this also causes us to become uncontrollable. These conditions arise inside you before you have nothing and you desperately want the power to control your mind, and after reaching the state you hoped for.

You must bring the balance between your mind and the power to become the best of yourself. Your fight inside you never gets over till your last breath. You can never be a victor in the war of power vs self-awareness. Your mind carves for power every second but as long as you feed the power without self-awareness, you lose yourself to 7 sins. You must always believe that you are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul.

When we power our mind to be special, it gets an ultimate freedom to be what it is with no strings attached. A brain with power without strings is equal to a nuclear bomb and with the certain measures, we can make our mind to harness infinite energy that is harmless to the people around us. Power is eternal so does people carving for it. It is in us to define who we are and what we do with it.



Vishruth Harithsa

A Software Engineer with half a decade of experience toward observability and a decade of experience with programming. Sometimes I Write, Listen and Talk.