”Sometimes” I Wonder: The Comedy of Consistency

Embracing Inconsistency: The Art of Painting Outside the Lines

Vishruth Harithsa
2 min readSep 17, 2023


You know, “sometimes” I feel like I overuse that word – sometimes. Like a favorite old t-shirt I can’t part with. Why? Maybe because it’s a cozy starting point when I’m trying to figure out what on earth to write next.

Human beings, bless our hearts, we’re an interesting lot. We claim to be the apex of evolution, yet here we are, as consistent as a cat chasing a laser pointer. We dream of forming habits, those lovely little routines that make our lives tick. But let’s be real: forging a habit is as easy as trying to nail jelly to a wall, especially if you’re the type that thinks life’s too short for routines.

Now, hands up if you’ve ever felt personally victimized by inconsistency! Does being a tad unpredictable make us free spirits or just… free-range chickens without a plan? And here’s a million-dollar question: How on earth can one introduce a new habit without it feeling like an alien invasion?

Brace yourselves for a plot twist: life isn’t going to hand us a “how-to” manual. The word ‘hustle’ isn’t just something flashy influencers toss around; it’s a cocktail of grit, moxie, and, you guessed it, consistency. If consistency is the secret sauce, then commitment is the main ingredient. Without it, well, you’re just left with watery ketchup.

Thinking about your life’s masterplan? Just look at any legendary figure who’s carved out their niche. Their stories might be as varied as a buffet spread, but guess the two seasonings they all have in common? Bingo! Consistency and commitment.

Imagine trying to break a rock. First thought? Bonkers idea. But with patience and repetition – even that stubborn old rock will crumble. Not that I recommend using your hands, unless you fancy a few battle scars. The point? With the right strategy and a dash of craziness, nothing is truly out of reach.

In the grand art gallery of life, we’re all trying to paint our masterpiece. While the styles vary – some abstract messes, others picturesque landscapes – the magic lies in picking up that brush every single day.

So the next time “sometimes” rolls off your tongue, take a cheeky pause. Dive into its comfy depths. Tackle inconsistency with a smirk, arming yourself with good ol’ consistency and commitment. Because in this chaotic, unpredictable journey, sometimes all you need is a good laugh, a bit of sass, and the belief that every hiccup is just another story waiting to be told. Cheers to painting outside the lines!

Thanks for reading and I hope you will join me in my journey of exploring life and technology.



Vishruth Harithsa

A Software Engineer with half a decade of experience toward observability and a decade of experience with programming. Sometimes I Write, Listen and Talk.