Will-Power and Commitment

It is always better to stay one step ahead to reach goals

Vishruth Harithsa
4 min readDec 15, 2019


Drawing By Spoorthi Usha

On this day let’s talk about pushing our limits and how to conquer our internal commitment toward something that generates our will power. Something can be our goal, vision, obsession or survival instinct. Our commitment toward is governed by our ability to make decisions and push our limits to be specifics this is called will power. Having a will that is strong enough keeps us being away from becoming a circumstantial player of survival.

Nobody knows the extent of our potential and a lot of researches are going around to explore the possibilities of our strength. It is expected to reach a certain level and to keep boundary ourselves within our imagination. There are a lot of things that need to be explored beyond our imagination. Once we see the true potential, it is hard to drive up to the level without commitment. The level of commitment and dedication comes from the will power that drives us to the point of maximum.

Will power is about sheer confidence we have in ourselves. Every successful person talks about it how they managed to reach that level using their endeavors and experiences. Will power can be gained by knowing yourself. The best way to reach out to the power you have, you need to put yourself in the toughest situations were you nothing but humiliation. The need to perform at any cost is the best time you can reach out to your will and tell, “I can do this, no matter what I am gonna pull this off.”

We all know that necessity is the mother of invention. Consider the need to work on and think less about choices, consider yourself what you are and your true potential is. Focus toward your vision and if you feel that your vision is taking somewhere you don’t want to go, change it, live with it and start bargaining with your attitude to gather people around you who can support your vision. Drive all of them toward it and collectively, find a way to reach the destination — this can happen only with your commitment and the will to go through the difficulties.

The strength required for you to be fearless comes from inside you and you always need to discover where you are going and where you want to be.

I started to write an article every day about random topics that come to my mind and from my friends’ suggestions. When I started to write, it was like an adrenaline rush. As I wrote each article every day, they piled up and just lying around in my draft. I started to post them. Even after posting there were no readers to read. I was down and disappointed for being not noticed by others. Still, I write every day even though I have less than 50 readers for my articles. To keep up the streak, my will is helping me and the hope someday people will read my articles and influence their lives. Raising my will, many authors inspired me and I like to name a few of them, Bryan Ye, Tim Denning, Thomas Oppong, Ayodeji Awosika, Brianna Wiest.

It is not about who read, it is about my will of reaching my target every day to write articles. I am just getting started but, it takes commitment to write every day.

The measure of Will-Power:

We have people all around us to tell us who we are but very few known to themselves. I read an article by Tim Denning where he says about reinventing life by changing our lifestyle in simple steps. Everything we read or write, we need to do it by our will and not by forcing ourselves into it. We need to be committed to our tasks and keep up with daily routines.

Will power truly kicks in when we need the most. Consider that you are climbing a mountain and in the middle, a huge stone falls on you but you are just holding on to it with the fear of death and you must push it aside otherwise, you are good as dead. What do you do? Every muscle in your body kicks into its highest strength and guess what, you will be able to pull it off that rock and survive. According to research, an average person only uses 10% to 12% of his natural muscle strength. When it comes to the extreme situations of survival, you need to give it all you got. This is why extreme sports needs great will power and commitment.

Once you can pull it off, just remember the feeling after you completed skydiving or paragliding or even you go to a giant wheel. I am trying to say here is, trying to conquering our fear brings out the best in us. Fearing is not there to scare you. It is there to push us into our greatest potential by will-power.

As I mentioned above, Tim suffered from cancer and he got back to normal after tackling it. Hence, along with the fear we need to acknowledge our situation and be strong with it. Our will defines our true strength. We never know our strengths unless we need it. Every human body has got the strength of a superhero and the minds are always been extremely the greatest impossibility crackers.


When we acknowledge our fear to guide us, we can push our limits. Will-power is about convincing yourself to do extreme things that give us joy that would be unstoppable. Most of the time, pushing our limits yields us to see impossible things, discover mysteries, populate memories and explore wonders of the universe.

Have the will to see impossible. One day we may all get together to witness the giant leap of mankind toward unconventional that made as reality, fantasy that constructed naturally.



Vishruth Harithsa

A Software Engineer with half a decade of experience toward observability and a decade of experience with programming. Sometimes I Write, Listen and Talk.