Common Goals: Project Redd and the UN International Day of Charity

Official Reddhead
Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2020
Redd. An evolving social movement powered by an amazing social currency

Today marks the UN’s International Day of Charity, a day established to sensitize and mobilize people around the world to help others through volunteerism and philanthropy. In the words of the UN, “charity…can alleviate the worst effects of humanitarian crises and supports the rights of the marginalized and underprivileged and spreads the message of humanity in conflict situations.”

Let’s consider that last part for a moment: spreading the message of humanity. Charity is a part of this, to be certain. But to pull back the camera further, love, care in the truest sense of the word, is the ultimate universal language; understood and welcomed by all across borders and perspectives.

Yet taking action motivated by love and kindness necessitates some sort of formal mechanism. You can feel deeply for the family left homeless by a hurricane. Until you actually contribute time or money to alleviate their suffering, however, that’s not making a change. It’s simply empathy.

Keeping with this line of thinking, Reddcoin, the original social tipping digital currency, is unveiling its rebrand to Redd and with it, its evolution into a full-fledged platform for positive global change.

Redd is a movement powered by a powerful and self-funded digital currency (RDD) to foster community, social good, and uniting forces to support humankind. Redd upholds the idea that every single person on earth deserves kindness, compassion, generosity, and appreciation. Redd welcomes anyone who shares such values with open arms.

Regardless of location, local currency, or level of wealth, Redd allows the community at large to support social movements, relief efforts, and individuals in need with the simple click of a “love” button.

By allowing for cross-border payments via a platform that is accessible to all regardless of one’s tech savvy, Redd is paving the path forward to financial stability to a wider swath of the world, independent of location.

At its inception in early 2014, Reddcoin, the cryptocurrency behind the Redd platform, broke new ground as the original social tipping digital currency. During the intervening years, thanks to its completely volunteer team of developers, coders, and brand ambassadors, what is now Redd has evolved into a force that drives what digital currency can mean for social change and sustainability. Rather than merely the “what” and “how” of digital currency, Redd is broadening the conversation to include its “who” and “why.”

This month also marks the fifth anniversary of the UN’s adoption of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, which by way of implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), seeks to eradicate extreme poverty and promote a healthier world and society. The SDGs themselves are rooted in the ideals of people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership. By applying the technical foundation our project has built over the past six years, we at Redd can help shape the social aspects of digital currency and seek out ways our platform can help society achieve our shared objectives: of the UN, of charity, and of greater society.

Caritas, the root word of charity, is a late Latin word meaning “love.” In essence, one cannot have charity without having love. From its outset, Redd has been about spreading love. Whether by likes and hearts or by sharing spendable value as Redd (formerly Reddcoin) has struggled for years to enable, we are paving the way for our message to transcend borders, something the UN has sought to do for 75 years this October.

Here at Project Redd, we look forward to accomplishing our mutual goals of charity and goodwill for all and to extend a hand to humankind. Let us know if you’d like to extend yours with us.

About Redd
Redd is a global social movement that allows anyone, anywhere, the power to tip, support, donate and fund social causes, independent content creators, and humanitarian programs. The platform utilizes ReddCoin (RDD), a reliable and versatile decentralized digital social currency launched in 2014 that allows for seamless payments across borders and networks. All Redd Partners are expected to adhere to the project’s high standards of openness, accountability, and user experience as we strive to be an example of not only the stated ideals of “faith, hope and charity”, but also integrity, transparency, and honor.



Official Reddhead

Redd is a social tipping platform that allows you to tip, donate & fund content creators, social causes, and humanitarian programs on all social media networks.