Charlie Jackson
Projects by Charlie Jackson
2 min readFeb 23, 2018


Originally Published: November 2010

Car Emergency Pack

The brief for this 3 week project was to design a car emergency pack which consisted of a case, a pair of scissors, a torch and a medical pack. We were to create a mood board for particular car brand and directly apply aspects of the board to our designs. The whole project was about branding and making parts feel like a set.

I chose Toyota as my brand and went to work studying their brand principles and analysing their products. From this I created the following mood board.

Toyota Mood Board

When it came to the designs, I took particular notice of the way the curves end and overhang other elements. This feature seemed quite consistent amongst the brand. I also liked the blue colour of the board and the black and metallic feel you can get from the image.

I took these principles and created several concepts. My final design shown here applies these principles in a simple and elegant manner.

We were also marked on the manufacturing feasibility of the product and the exploded view below, helps to show how the parts could be moulded and would fit together.

This project was the first time I used Pro Engineer and 3DS Max to design and render one of my own designs. These images became and important part of my final display boards.

Car Emergency Pack Explode View
Car Emergency Pack Dimensions



Charlie Jackson
Projects by Charlie Jackson

Freelance JavaScript Developer. Sometimes write about self development, tech and startup stuff.