Charlie Jackson
Projects by Charlie Jackson
2 min readMar 3, 2018


Originally Published: May 2017

I have been meditating on and off for the last few years. But in the last 70 days I have been doing 5–10 minutes every day to find out what the prolonged benefits of daily meditation are. Here’s what I’ve found:

  • I can prioritise and organise much better
  • This was one of my key stress factors, always wanting to do too much and getting overwhelmed with all the tasks I felt needed to get done. Meditation has helped me to realise that a task may not actually be important and has helped me to define a clear priority of tasks. Greatly reducing my stress.
  • I can stay focused for longer, so I’m more efficient
  • My breathing is much better
  • My mind is calmer, and doesn’t race around as much
  • Slower more deliberate though
  • I am more forgiving, and more likely to see the good in people
  • I am less worried about the future, and am focusing more on the present
  • I am more honest with myself about my own thoughts, opinions and emotions

My daily practice looks like:

  • Grabbing one of the giant pillows Viki made from our honeymoon
  • Sitting cross legged
  • Opening the Calm app and picking one of the 5, 10 or 15 minute sessions. My favourites are:
  • Calm Light
  • Less talk
  • Timed Meditation
  • No talk
  • Choices
  • Guided talk session around noticing distractions
  • Body Scan
  • Guided talk session focusing on awareness of your entire body
Calm Stats



Charlie Jackson
Projects by Charlie Jackson

Freelance JavaScript Developer. Sometimes write about self development, tech and startup stuff.