Charlie Jackson
Projects by Charlie Jackson
1 min readFeb 28, 2018


Originally Published: September 2016

Multi Commands screenshot

Key Facts:

  • NPM module for running multiple commands in separate windows
  • Useful for easily running multiple watch commands whilst developing
  • e.g. Running a Node Server with Nodemon and developing the front end with a gulp watch task
  • Works on Windows and Mac OS
  • See the repo here on GitHub

Install with

npm install multi-commands --save-dev

Or install globally with

npm install -g multi-commands

You can then run multiple commands using the multi command and enclosing your commands with double quotes:

multi "webpack --progress --colors --watch" "nodemon server.js --exec babel-node"



Charlie Jackson
Projects by Charlie Jackson

Freelance JavaScript Developer. Sometimes write about self development, tech and startup stuff.