Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2018


End of Year Roundup

As 2018 draws to a close, the team at Shivom are incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished in the past year, and look forward to progressing in our mission to build the world’s largest blockchain-based genomic data hub for years to come.

As those who have been supporting us know, we’ve come a long way from where we were this time last year. After closing an incredibly successful ICO, we’re proud to say that the OMX token is listed on four exchanges. We’ve assembled an impressive team and Innovation Council, restructured, the company’s leadership, redesigned our website and forged important partnerships, opened up an office in London, all whilst continuing to fine-tune the Shivom platform — in case you missed it, we released the Alpha last month, allowing users to securely upload DNA data and create a wallet which, beginning in Q1 2019, will allow them to monetise the sharing of this information with researchers and institutions.

You can look forward to a handful of other updates around that time. Our next release will integrate features such as Enterprise Search and analytic tools for pharmaceutical and healthcare organisations, to name a few.

In our ongoing goal to contribute to the fields of predictive and preventative medicine, Shivom in coordination with local partners have commenced with the development of clinical research pilot projects focused on the collection of DNA samples from those afflicted with sickle-cell disease and type-2 diabetes (in Sub-Saharan Africa and India, respectively). Both of these diseases are rampant in these regions, and while modern technologies allow for their diagnoses, they often go unnoticed. Alongside our partners, Genetic Technologies Limited, eMQT, and the local partners in India, we’ll rely on the Shivom platform to collect and store genomic information securely, before sequencing and analysing it, allowing researchers to devise better and more affordable treatments, both globally and in specific regions. Other partnerships formed this year include MeFy, Atana and SingularityNET both pioneers in the blockchain space.

In addition to our blockchain partnerships, we’re of course also thrilled to be working closely with our new London-based bioinformatics partner Lifebit. Lifebit are creating a cloud-based cognitive system, leveraging sophisticated machine learning algorithms to allow their software to draw powerful insights from genetic information.

We intend to integrate Lifebit’s ‘Deploit’ pipeline, which will allow users and organisations using the Shivom platform to perform analytics on their data automatically. Its widespread use by R&D departments and other players in healthcare is a testament to the quality of the insights derived from genomic information fed into the system. What this means for Shivom users is highly scalable, highly effective and near-instant analytics around the clocks. Shivom will provide presets for easy use, though tech-savvy users and businesses will have a wide variety of customisation options with Docker services.

In other news, we hope you caught the Advancements on CNBC on the 16th of December, where the world of blockchain technology was explored by Ted Danson, with a special feature on Shivom.

In other events, the team have been busy in this last quarter sharing the Shivom story across the globe. CSO Gourish Singla represented Shivom at the Malta Blockchain Summit and Slush Small Talks, India. COO DR Natalie Pankova and Marketing Director Nate Raine attended HealthCare Unblocked in London. The penultimate event of the year, the Digital Freedom Festival, saw CEO, Henry Ines give a keynote titled “The Future of Health: Reinvention of Healthcare & Wellness”

Where to find us next

We are already busy with plans for the start of the year with Henry Ines, CEO recently announced our exciting partnership with FMW Media Works, the parent Company of ‘NEW TO THE STREET’ and our appearance on their 12-month TV series ‘EXPLORING THE BLOCK’ which will air on the FOX Business Network. We look forward to sharing our journey to date as a health-tech startup and showcasing our genomics datahub and marketplace powered by blockchain and AI technology.

January will see us travel to Silicon Valley to the Precision Medicine World Congress where are excited to be presenting to the Pharma community. Additionally, Dr Axel Schumacher will also be speaking at the Next Level Life Sciences in Basel.

It’s been a busy and productive year. We’ve come a long way, and have no intention of slowing down anytime soon. None of our efforts would have been possible without the support of our vibrant community and backers, so we’d like to thank you all profusely for joining us on our mission.

Happy Holidays!

The Shivom Team



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Powering the next era of genomics through #blockchain technology — protecting identity, personalising healthcare, transforming lives