Shivom Releases Alpha 2.0 to Genomic Researchers & Data Owners

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2 min readMar 11, 2019

Shivom — a data discovery and analysis solutions platform — on Tuesday unveiled its second release — Alpha 2.O. Leveraging the latest advancements in blockchain and machine-learning technology, Shivom is optimising how DNA is shared, secured and analysed in order to bring exponential value to the genomics industry.

In November 2018, Shivom launched its first release amid great enthusiasm and fervour. Since then, the product and development teams have been working on fixing bugs and integrating new features that have come from their recent partnership with Lifebit. In its first release, it streamlined its UI/UX and USPs based on the need to innovate in the area of secure storage. It also had multiple new-age features such as simplified sign-up DNA upload & encryption, etc.

Continuing its efforts in the area of innovation, Shivom continued developing on the previous release and has now launched its second release — Alpha 2.O. The latest advancements in the platform include avatars, issuing of notifications, bug-fixing throughout the platform, enterprise search functionality, an upgraded UI, and finally our blockchain transaction and verification for DNA file-uploading.

With the above-mentioned substantial updates, the platform can now verify via blockchain when a file is uploaded, secured and encrypted via Shivom. The next release titled ‘MVP’ will set to deliver DNA sequencing kits, an integrated wallet, marketplace and secure-sharing features. With a successful and well-tested second release, Shivom is steering itself into capturing a mega segment in this market.

About Shivom
Shivom is a biotechnology data and analysis company optimising the way DNA is shared, secured and analysed. By utilising innovative technologies and pharmaceutical companies with the ability to securely share, store and analyse DNA data quickly, efficiently and at any scale. such as blockchain and machine-learning algorithms, we are able to democratise genomics. Doing so, we empower data-owners, researchers To learn more about the project, visit the Shivom website.

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● Medium: Shivom Official
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