Study of Love.

Anmol Kohli
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2021

I studied love as deep as I could. It is everywhere to study. In your experiences, nature, books, poetries, science, metaphysics, holy books and thought.

I studied them all. Honestly here is what I found

Photo by PHUOC LE on Unsplash
  • Love is the unknown conscious spiritual element in you that literally controls your destiny. People commonly call it God.
  • Self introspection/ examination and meditation is the most popular way to reach it the fastest.
  • Your beliefs about love is exactly what it will look like in your life.
  • The closer you are to God,the closer you are to yourself, the closer you are to love .
  • Scientifically, love is a state of flow where everything is aligned internally and externally. That is the magic that Disney kept talking about. They knew the secret I guess.
  • We are all love yet we astray from it’s course only to get back at it. That is the destined condition. You belong to love. Every path you take will take you back. Take it like a seed and a tree. When you look at the tree. You see the trunk, branches, leaves and fruits. If I ask you to study each leaf, branch and fruit, your whole life will go away and you still won’t be done with it. But if I ask you to study the seed, you’ll learn the whole tree. Plus which ever branch this tree might take it will ultimately reach the stage of fruition that will reach back to the seed. In this similitude, seed is love and tree is the whole world.
  • Love is a blanket that covers all realities and illusions. The ego, authenticity, hate, fear, god and everything. Love is fullness. Oneness. Wholeness. Just like the seed.
  • Law of mirror, attraction and reciprocation is the practical truth.
  • Love is the objective clarity of all matters ( subjective and objective and beyond), therefore it is a better decision maker than the logic or mind. It is a zoom out decision. Thus follow the intuition if you get one.
  • Love can be realised through anything but romantic love is the easiest window to get in.
  • Love is not loving everything about someone. It is seeing the realities and accepting it. Remember love includes all, even not being able to love. And accepting is not conforming. It is acknowledging the reality and deciding what you wish to do about it. You can reject in acceptance too.
  • Love is neither careful nor careless. It is carefree. Mind/ ego might trick you by oscillating on either sides of calculation and create an illusion that one of the side is love. It is not. Love is never in extremities. It is in balance.
  • Love is the most measured thing. Thus it is in perfect alignment. It is a magical space where what ever you believe or wish will come true.
  • Love is timeless not forever, thus eternal not immortal in a certain sense.
  • Logic is an illusion because it has to be based on assumption. Love is beyond intellect or logic thus beyond assumption. Thus it is inexplicable and incomprehensible. It is perfect maths beyond number and perfect communication beyond words.
  • The most practical tip to learn love is to get into the experience regardless of all risks involved. Trust me nothing will go wrong.
  • Reaching love doesn’t have to be painful. There are layers to it, just like the rivers have different currents. We end up in sad love stories because that is the current we understand and create a belief system around it. The deepest current when understood will tell you that sadness and happiness, both, were illusions. It is beyond that. It is neutrality.
  • It is suggested to have a good belief around love. Say finding healthy partner, consciously knowing him and being happy forever and beyond. Don’t doubt the belief. The love will unfold with ease and exactly in alignment with that.



Anmol Kohli

I write about philosophy and healing traumatic family systems. Insta: projectsoullight Email: