Should you Wear Dark Sunglasses when Coding at your Office Desk?

Jay (Vijayasimha BR)
Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2023


Photo by Daniel Lincoln on Unsplash

There are obvious benefits to wearing sunglasses, indoors, at your work desk. Yet, do the pros outweigh the cons? let’s find out.

Think of all the amazing cool characters in video games and novels and movies. Any time they are doing something cool, they are constantly wearing sunglasses.

Especially indoors.

Of course, there is nothing in this world which is cooler than programming and coding software.

Which is why you will see a lot of coders, wearing sunglasses, indoors, at their work desk or even when they are working from home, wearing sunglasses.

Photo by Sherise Van Dyk on Unsplash

Now, then, the obvious benefit of wearing dark sunglasses, indoors, is that you will look cool.

Your boss is walking past your desk, and he sees you coding like a maniac, hundreds of lines per second, and tapping away like there is no tomorrow.

“Whoa! This guy is coding like a monster. I like this employee”, says your boss to himself, almost in a whisper.

He whispers, afraid that, ejaculating loudly his internals thoughts, might upset your mojo.

Of course, after lunch, if you manage to learn the ‘art of sitting upright and napping’, you can always grab that juicy afternoon nap. Since you are wearing dark sunglasses, no one will know about your resting, closed eyelids.

And, as mentioned before, your boss is already scared to disturb your mojo. Sure, he might notice that you have suddenly stopped tapping like a madman. However, he will assume that you are thinking, as most developers do before they go on a roaring coding rampage.

So, that’s two benefits.

Photo by Jabari Timothy on Unsplash

But, hold on though.

These two benefits sound amazing. Yet, only the most bravest, hard core developers choose to go down the fantastical and almost magical route of wearing dark sunglasses while coding.

What are the drawbacks? What is holding back other people from buying these eye equipment thingies, and attain a higher level of work performance?

Those who have tried, and sadly failed, to adopt this innovative way of coding, have mentioned their failure to accept the coolness.

For instance, almost immediately after wearing these dark visors, you are blinded. I mean, seriously, the whole point of these glasses is to block out bright sunlight. Unfortunately, inside the office, the lighting is designed to be suitable for regular human eyes.

This is valid complaint.

However, the problem is NOT with the sunglasses. A really cool developer can write code without having to actually look at the screen.

You see, a real developer, writes code not on the computer screen. The code is already written in his head. So, when he types, he need not look at the screen or the keyboard. The code simply flows from his mind, through his beautiful hands and delicate fingers, like water that drops from a height at any waterfall.

Another common complaint is that you would look odd and silly, wearing a sunglass inside the office.

Ah! that’s the problem right there.

  1. Don’t you want to be a trendsetter?
  2. Don’t you want to be a leader of men?
  3. Don’t you want to bring in something new to the office?
  4. Take charge? shoot rockets? Carry tortoises on your back?

Once you begin wearing sunglasses, others will follow. First, 1 colleague will ape you. Then, it’s 2 more. After that, 4 more.

Soon, all 6.9 million employees in your office will be coding, wearing sunglasses, man!

Photo by Justin Essah on Unsplash

It’s only a matter of time.

All it needs is you, to kindle the fire!

I work as a full-time freelance coding tutor. Hire me at UpWork or Fiverr or Stack Overflow or GitHub. see my personal website. see my photography art hobby at Behance and Unsplash and ArtStation. Also, podcast about life. podcast about movies.

