Ankr and Prometeus are about to join forces

Egor Perezhogin
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2019

Prometeus Labs is glad to announce a strategic partnership with Ankr, a distributed computing platform that leverages idle computing resources in data centers and edge devices. The aim of this collaboration is to create a synergy of Ankr’s computing power and Prometeus AI tech and, also, to develop a global market to further the long-term goals of both projects.

“Our teams are now working together to integrate the Prometeus dApp with the Ankr Distributed Cloud Computing Network, which will reduce costs for Prometeus and bring usage to the Ankr DCCN. Also, Prometeus AI could optimize the cloud brokerage, provide better matching for providers and consumers of distributed computing”, CEO of Prometeus Labs Arthur Suilin says. “Together with the already connected data centers, the Prometeus dApp will be one of the first partnerships to balance the equation of supply and demand in the Ankr platform. We are sure this partnership will enrich both projects and enable both of us to deliver enhanced, optimized solutions”.

About Ankr Platform

Ankr is building a cryptocurrency based distributed computing network that leverages idle cloud resources in data centers and edge devices. The computer marketplace unlocks the sharing economy for cloud computing by benefiting both sides of the market. where enterprises and consumers can monetize their spare computing capacities from their devices, on-premise servers, private cloud, and even public cloud.

With technologies like Kubernetes, Docker containers, blockchain and trusted hardware, Ankr is making the new cloud cheaper, easy to use, more secure and more eco-friendly.

About Prometeus Network

Prometeus Network is a secure and decentralized protocol for data exchange and storage. On a high level, this protocol allows any entity to upload any kind of data with an intention to sell it through the protocol. Our primary focus right now is to allow people to monetize their data and gain access to analytical products based on their data. Other use-cases of the network are applicable to Medical and Insurance data market industries

We already have a working product — tools for identifying and gaining insights on influencer target auditory. This product is our first dapp that will bring adoption to the Network.

As a part of the network — Prometeus Labs (a company behind Prometeus Network) uses valuable data uploaded by users and process this data through their unique AI. This way Prometeus creates most complete and accurate sets of analytical information, useful for brands, agencies and other players on the influencer marketing, performance marketing, and other adjacent markets.

Now our capabilities are multiplied by the power of Ankr. Co-operation between two great projects will be great for all Internet users. It enables them to monetize both their data and computing sources.

Be with us, follow the Prometeus’ news on Telegram and Twitter. And get ready to test our Demo!



Egor Perezhogin
Writer for

Senior Project Manager & Chief Editor at Blockchain Startups | Credits, Promeθeus labs, W12