Even unpopular opinions deserve to be heard. Prometeus labs presents censorship antidote

A brave new world is already at the doorstep. One of its characteristics is merciless global censorship. Our team strongly disagree with this situation. So we created Ignite — nonprofit decentralized microblogging service resistant to any kind of moderations, bans or block.

Egor Perezhogin
4 min readMay 1, 2020


Scourge of 21st Century

Social media platforms are leveraging COVID-19 to vastly entrench their power in an ostensibly free society. Facebook announced the ban on anti-lockdown content. Twitter is heightening its role in deciding what constitutes “truth” about coronavirus. Youtube took the opportunity too. Here is the last example.

YouTube banned Californian doctors’ video that got 5 million views. Using testing stats from their urgent care centres, Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi argue that the mortality rate for coronavirus is minuscule. Death tolls are being boosted. Physicians are being pressurized into putting Coronavirus on death certificates. Stay-at-home orders are disruptive to normal healthcare provision, the functioning of healthy immune systems and are devastating to the economy. Even Elon Musk blasted Youtube for this ban.

Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi

There are doubts about what is the main 21st-century scourge: Covid-19 or global censorship that raging even in democratic countries.

What is Ignite

Ignite is a nonprofit decentralized microblogging service built on Prometeus and powered by Bittorrent. It allows everyone to share her/his mind freely via texts and media files. Technically, Ignite represents a set of independent and equitable nodes.

Ignite mission is to fight with censorship and stand for freedom of speech. Due to its architecture, Ignite won’t be governed by anyone and could not be blocked by any form of barrier or firewall (even the Chinese one).

Core functions of Ignite are similar to Twitter: it allows to post small messages (up to 240 characters) and attach media files to them. Currently, we support only pictures, but in the future versions, video and audio files will be added. Also Ignite allows you to follow not only users but topics as well. Interested in cars? Subscribe to cars tread. Interested in crypto? Subscribe to crypto tread.

Ignite will reward users with prom tokens for their activities. Detailed article about token economy will be released next month.

Core features

  • Unblockable — ignite can not be banned by any kind of barrier or firewall, because it stores everything on the BTFS engine, which can not be blocked effectively yet. Also, Ignite utilizes public blockchain for users/nodes authentication. You can’t ban Ignite as long as you can’t ban blockchain itself.
  • Censorship free — no moderation and user bans;
  • Immutable — data is stored forever on a distributed data storage BTFS/SOTER;
  • Anonymous — Authentication through public blockchain;
  • Community-driven — no centralized governance.

How does it work?

Let us explain how Ignite works on the example of the California doctors story, that we’ve mentioned before.

First, Californian doctors authenticate in Ignite through blockchain via their ERC20 wallet and the private key. Another word, Ignite allows signing in it without a centralized user database or any kind of social networking protocols.

Second, they choose how to blog: openly or completely anonymously without the risk of impersonation.

Third, Drs. Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi post their video on Ignite. When they are pushing the “Post” button, the video is being encrypted and inserted to a special block. Every 5 minutes Ignite nodes download this block to a distributed data storage called Bittorrent File System (BTFS) via Soter gateway. The block is stored forever and can’t be deleted. Also, each generated block gets an encrypted address (called Hashtag), which is written in Ethereum blockchain by Ignite node.

Fourthly, when someone wants to watch doctors’ video, another Ignite node uses Hashtag to find the address of video in BTFS and show it to the user.

Be with us. Read more about Ignite in our next articles. Soon we tell you about Ignite integration with token Prom.



Egor Perezhogin

Senior Project Manager & Chief Editor at Blockchain Startups | Credits, Promeθeus labs, W12