Memezator detailed results

Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2020

Greetings, our dear community community members! It has been a while since our team started the Memezator contest on Ignite, and thus, after it is finally finished, we want to share some final stats of it with you.

But first, we want to thank all the participants, backers and supporters for your assessment and patience. Our team knows that there have been plenty of bugs and issues troubling user experience, and most of them we were able to fix only due to your large feedback and communication with developers.

Memes, likes and participants

By the day of 11 September, when the first community report was published, we had 5000 number of users, who actively participated in Memezator, including publishing and voting for memes. The final stat on this one looks spectacular: maximum people voted in Memezator for one day is 37.744. If we speak about the whole number of memes posted in this contest, this would be 3.330, which is also quite a lot. Another interesting number is people who voted + posted memes — 39.783. To sum up, here are the numbers once more.

1. Maximum people voted in Memezator for one day — 37.744;

2. Total number of memes published — 3.330;

3. People who voted + posted memes — 39783;

Social activity on Ignite

One of our goals was, of course, to attract the community’s attention to Ignite. So, after we launched Memezator, we have an average number of posts as 5,7 per person. Regular posts without memes, including comments, reposts etc are at the number of 461.038. As specifically for comments and reposts: comments — 20.799, reposts — 14,522. During the time Memezator was launched, Ignite delivered 3,299,509 notifications to users, and 1280 new hashtags were introduced to the platform. There was also plenty of other data uploaded — 73,421 images like posts, avatars and any other images. Considering all the stats we collected on social activity, we might say that the interest to Ignite drastically raised and our platform is becoming more and more popular and recognizable, so this purpose of Memezator was reached.

Blockchain and tokens

The last, but not the least part is the activity we generated on the Binance Smart chain. Let’s start with the total number of tokens we delivered to users, and it is going to be 66,235 PROM tokens. Not long before Memezator was finally over, we implemented the issue of burning PROM to gain additional Voting Power (or VP) for choosing their favourite memes. Our users burned 22,962 tokens for that purpose. The other important stat in this one is 4682 syncs with Arweave blockchain. The whole date we presented to you in this article allows us to think that Memezator itself was a great booster to the activity on Ignite and to recognition of Binance Smart chain technology.

Our future plans

We, meaning the team of Prometeus Labs, consider this contest as some kind of success, even though many users experienced troubles with different bugs and glitches. Again, we want to thank all, who participated, you did a great job for our project. Note that Memezator contest can be resumed after we will finalize the new rules and improve the technical part, however, there is no exact ETA for that.

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