Yuvraj chhibber
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2020


We are ready to publish our final report from Prometeus Development progress series. After this one, development reports will be posted at the end of the month, starting already from January. If you missed our October and November reports, we highly recommend you to take a look them before reading this one.

During December we were busy finalizing existing parts of prometeus ecosystem and were able to prepare them for prerelease. Also we continued to work on Service node, Data validator and Data mart interaction and initial version of UI/UX. By the end of a month we even were able to give an access to Prom Data Mart for first 10 influencer for product testing.

Service Node

SN v1.04 release:

  • Improved Redis Hashtable mechanism, added a link to metadata of data owner to data storage and link to array of encrypted personal data of data owner;
  • Improved Rest API, added Purchase approval function;
  • Added data pulling from data validator and following push to data mart.

SN v1.1 release:

  • Overall work improvals;
  • Bug fixes;
  • Integration test with data validator and data mart;
  • Initial UI/UX release;
  • Set up 5 service nodes in test mode.

Data Validator

DV v1.04 release:

  • Added same improvals of Redis Hashtable and Rest API as in service node;
  • Finalising encryption and decryption technology;
  • Deleted possibility of access to data validator personal data through service node;
  • Added final key of decryption.

DV v1.1 release:

  • Overall work improvals;
  • Bug fixes;
  • Integration test with service node and data mart;
  • Initial UI/UX release;
  • Set up 5 data validators in test mode.

Data mart

DM v1.03 release:

  • Added internal API and initial UI, required for search engine through encrypted metadata and their further download;
  • Added decryption data component;
  • Added role of Listener, who will be responsible for blockchain based data updates;
  • Added encrypted metadata storage — Elastic;
  • Rest API integration.

DM 1.1 release:

  • Capacity improvals;
  • Bug fixes;
  • Integration test with service node and data validator;
  • Initial UI/UX release;
  • First 10 influencers for product testing.

We would like to thank our supporters and community members one more time. Just remember that the team is doing best in order to deliver product as fast as possible. We hope that our small progress report serie gave you better understanding of what is going on in Prometeus. Already in a couple of weeks we will publish our January Report, so please stay tuned for further updates. Stay tuned and follow us on social media:

Telegram Group: https://t.me/promnetwork

Telegram Announcement Channel: https://t.me/promnetwork_ann

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Prometeus_net



Yuvraj chhibber
Writer for

Love Writing. Community manager. Block chain lover.Keen learner.