How to Protect Yourself in Online Dating.

Carrie Cardon
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2020

The Internet offers endless possibilities not only for dating, but also for disappointment. Which would you rather? Here, everything is like how it is in real life: pink unicorns don’t fly around marshmallows, and false people will emerge. We concern ourselves with your safety and so we’ve created some rules that will help you feel protected.

Personal safety

When you register on dating services and start chatting, do not rush to share everything about yourself: personal phone number, home address, name of your beloved grandmother, etc. If the person you are talking to is asking for this information, this is a red flag. And if someone is asking about your finances, feel free to send him or her to the blacklist.

Verified sites

Choose high-quality dating services: look at their privacy policy, check how the support service works. The main thing to remember: the most secure site may not always be the most popular.

Use the internal capabilities of the service

Imagine that you have already met someone suspicious. We recommend that you not rush to transfer communication beyond the boundaries of the service, use the internal chatroom. Scammers collect email addresses and phone numbers to extort and steal money, and also to send spam.

Recognize your interlocutors

Before moving on to intimate communication (and we don’t mean just sex), get to know the person you are talking to. Pay attention to how he writes, what he writes about, whether he writes messages in the same style. If in doubt, it’s wise to err on the side of caution and end a conversation, or at least be on your guard.

Do not send any money!

Never, NEVER send any money to users from online dating services. Read our article about the methods of blackmailing — it could be useful.

