How to Set 2023 Goals (and stick to them)

Kelsey R.
Promotional Products Industry Insider
2 min readJan 3, 2023

Three days into 2023, and if you haven’t already set your annual goals, you still have time!

If you’re like me (and many others), new years is the perfect time for a fresh start. With fresh starts come goal setting, and it’s important to consider specific steps and factors to insure a lasting impact.

1. Use SMART Goals

SPECIFIC… Consider what you want to accomplish out of the goal and what it will take.

MEASURABLE… Are there data points that you can track and how will it be measured?

ACHIEVABLE… While we want to shoot for the stars, make sure to keep it realistic.

RELEVANT… How will this affect other aspects of your life?

TIME-BOUND… For many, the timeframe might be for the year, but choosing shorter goals that lead up to a larger goal is sometimes more manageable.

Photo by Moritz Knöringer on Unsplash

2. Write it Down

No matter the goal, make sure to write it down somewhere, and preferably a place where you will be reminded of it often. A great strategy for this is bullet journaling.

With a bullet journal, you can organize, schedule, and track your goals and other aspects of your year. It really is completely up to you how you use it.

(These also make great gifts for friends and coworkers, as well as promotional products.)

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

3. Get Ready Ahead of Time

For a lot of goals, it means getting up early to work on a project, leaving straight from work for the gym, or even meal prepping at the start of the week. By packing your gym bag the night before or keeping all materials for your project in a handy tote bag, you are better geared to accomplish your goal for the day (or week, or month, or year).

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As you consider your goals for the year, most importantly, remember to take it slow, believe in yourself, and be proud of any progress (big or small). You’ve got this!

