Analyzing Wardley Maps with ChatGPT: Bridging Strategy and AI

Loading an image of a Wardley Map into ChatGPT for analysis

Mark Craddock
Prompt Engineering
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2023


In today’s fast-paced digital age, businesses are constantly seeking tools that can give them a competitive edge. One such tool that has gained traction among strategists is the Wardley Map — a visualisation that delineates the value chain of a system and tracks how its components evolve over time. While these maps provide a holistic overview of a system’s environment, interpreting them can be complex. Enter ChatGPT, an AI model by OpenAI. In this post, we’ll delve into how you can use ChatGPT to analyse and enhance your Wardley Maps.

Wardley Maps: A Quick Overview

Wardley Maps offer a strategic visualisation of a system, from backend processes to user-centric operations. By plotting components on an axis of evolution (from genesis to commodity) and value chain, businesses can gain insights into where to innovate, invest, and potentially outsource.

The Power of ChatGPT in Analysis

ChatGPT, with its expansive knowledge base and ability to process information contextually, can provide a detailed breakdown of Wardley Maps, offering insights into:

  • Component Dependencies: By identifying and understanding the interplay between different components, businesses can ensure smoother operations and anticipate potential disruptions.
  • Evolution Trends: Predicting the trajectory of component evolution, based on current market and technological trends, helps in proactive strategic planning.
  • External Factors: Recognising external influences, such as socio-economic trends, that might impact the strategic landscape.

Enhancing Wardley Maps with AI Insights

When I recently uploaded a Wardley Map image of a ‘Tea Shop’ to ChatGPT, not only did it provide a comprehensive breakdown, but it also offered actionable suggestions to improve the map. Some key takeaways included:

  1. The importance of clearly defining the primary user need.
  2. The potential of breaking components into finer granularities for a more detailed view.
  3. The relevance of regularly updating the map to accommodate new trends and information.

Bridging Strategy with AI

The true power of this integration lies in the fusion of human strategic insight with AI’s data processing capabilities. While human strategists can intuitively grasp the broader picture and long-term implications, ChatGPT can delve deep into the nuances, offering detailed interpretations and suggestions based on vast amounts of data.


The synergy between Wardley Maps and ChatGPT offers a promising avenue for businesses to refine their strategies. As AI continues to evolve and its integration with business tools becomes more seamless, we can anticipate even more sophisticated analyses and insights. The future of strategy, it seems, lies at the intersection of human intuition and artificial intelligence.



Mark Craddock
Prompt Engineering

Techie. Built VH1, G-Cloud, Unified Patent Court, UN Global Platform. Saved UK Economy £12Bn. Now building AI stuff #datascout #promptengineer #MLOps #DataOps