OpenAI GPT-6 Trademark

A broad range of AI-focused services, including development and integration of AI software and systems, machine learning-based language processing, AI-powered image and code generation, simulation environments for AI testing, and consultancy in AI and machine learning technologies.

Mark Craddock
Prompt Engineering
4 min readNov 16, 2023


This detailed description of Class 42 covers a wide range of services primarily in the fields of computer science, software development, artificial intelligence (AI), and digital technologies. The key areas of this classification include:

  1. Blockchain and Digital Asset Services: Related to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and digital currencies, including creation, trading, and valuation of NFTs, as well as platform services for digital currency transactions.
  2. Virtual Reality Development: Design and development of virtual reality hardware and software, and services related to virtual currency and digital asset transactions.
  3. Consulting and Advisory Services: Offering expert advice in AI, machine learning, and software development.
  4. Safety Testing and Certification for Software: Ensuring compliance with safety standards for computer software.
  5. Interactive Multimedia Software Development: This involves creating multimedia content that is interactive in nature.
  6. Infrastructure Development for Computer Systems: This includes the development of computer systems and platforms, as well as systems for data storage, entry, processing, security, and transmission
  7. Web-Based Services for Digital Art and Collectables: Covering services related to digital art, crypto-collectables, and digital currencies, including platforms for buying, selling, and trading.
  8. Scientific and Technological Services and Research: This involves research and development in various technology domains, including design and development of computer hardware and software.
  9. Software as a Service (SaaS) and Online Software: Offering software services over the internet, including language models, machine learning, natural language processing, speech and voice recognition, image generation from text, and translation of text or speech between languages. It also encompasses chatbot software and multilingual speech recognition and transcription services.
  10. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Services related to AI and machine learning, such as software for automatic speech-to-text conversion, algorithm development and analysis, data sharing for machine learning and predictive analytics, and artificial neural network implementation.
  11. Software Development and Programming Tools: Providing online communities for software developers, hosting webpages for information exchange, and offering software development tools. This includes services for source code repository management, task and project management, and collaborative software development.
  12. Cloud Computing and Data Services: This covers cloud storage, database management and design, data processing systems, and data security services.

Focusing on AI

Looking specifically on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) aspects of Class 42, the classification encompasses a comprehensive range of AI-related services and technologies. These services are integral to the development, deployment, and improvement of AI systems across various sectors. Here’s a detailed look at the AI-related components:

  1. AI Software and Services Development: This includes the design, development, and implementation of AI-driven software and systems. This broad category can encompass everything from basic AI algorithms to complex machine learning models and neural networks.
  2. Machine Learning-Based Language and Speech Processing: Offering services for natural language processing (NLP), generation, understanding, and analysis, as well as speech recognition and translation. These services are essential for developing AI systems that can understand and interact with human language in various forms.
  3. AI-Powered Translation and Transcription Services: Providing tools for the translation of text or speech from one language to another, and for transcription services that convert speech to text, often using sophisticated AI algorithms for accuracy and speed.
  4. AI for Image Generation and Text-to-Code Translation: Offering software that utilises AI to create images from textual descriptions and translate natural language into software code. This showcases the ability of AI to interpret human language and convert it into other forms of data or media.
  5. AI Algorithm Development and Analysis: Services focused on creating, running, and analysing AI algorithms, especially those capable of learning and adapting over time. This includes sharing datasets for machine learning, predictive analytics, and building language models.
  6. Artificial Neural Networks: Developing and implementing artificial neural networks, which are key components in many AI systems, mimicking the way the human brain processes information.
  7. AI in Simulation Environments: Providing non-downloadable software for simulation environments to test AI agents and algorithms. This is crucial for safely developing and refining AI technologies before they are implemented in real-world scenarios.
  8. AI Research and Development Services: Conducting research and providing development services in the field of AI. This often involves exploring new AI methodologies, technologies, and their applications in various industries.
  9. AI Integration and System Development: This includes integrating AI technology into existing systems and developing new computer systems that leverage AI for various functionalities.
  10. AI for Source Code Repository Management: Using AI to manage source code repositories, enhancing efficiency in software development processes.
  11. AI-Powered Cloud Computing and Data Security Services: Leveraging AI in cloud computing services for data storage, backup, and database management, as well as in developing electronic data security systems.
  12. Consulting in AI and Machine Learning: Providing expert advice and consultancy services in AI, machine learning, and related fields, helping businesses and organisations effectively integrate AI technologies into their operations.

The Trademark



Mark Craddock
Prompt Engineering

Techie. Built VH1, G-Cloud, Unified Patent Court, UN Global Platform. Saved UK Economy £12Bn. Now building AI stuff #datascout #promptengineer #MLOps #DataOps