ChatGPT 3.5 — Conversation 1 — Implementing a 2nd Currency in the United States, similar to the Swiss Weir

Alexander Luyando
Prompt Thoughts
Published in
14 min readMay 8, 2023

This is the first in a series of conversations with this god-send of a piece of technology, Hercules would have been a great name for this. Honestly, I have so many thoughts on this, and my friends and family have just literally tuned me out once I say the 2 letter, AI. I am also working on larger products, that are just so mundane, and in the downtime, I often end up with such interesting conversations, and I just want something to show for it in a sense. There is a lot here, a lot to be learned, a lot to be explored. We know less about human brain than we do about space, and now we have a super computer that is begging to be explored. It is smarter than us, it has developed reason and logic, and I personally think that we have a tool that will turn B and C students in A students, and help the people who hated school find a new path, if this is used properly. There is a lot of power to liberate people, and I want to just post interesting conversations here. I really love, in particular, using this to learn a new language. I have gotten spanish lessons from this that blow away any spanish lesson that I have ever taken, and it is a shame, because as a Puerto Rican, I have gotten so much shit for not knowing spanish, and it is truly a point of shame, but at the same time, there is a language Americans speak, that I have to know to live, and I have to speak that more, and my parents have jobs and aren’t teachers, nor come from an educational background. Some how my family should feel shame, for not knowing how to teach me a language. While I also find that a lot of that criticism comes from people who might only speak spanish. Then you think for a second and you ask why the other side can’t speak english, blah, blah, blah… no one should feel shame about knowing things or not knowing things, but it is almost cultural to speak down to people who don’t know, versus teaching someone. There’s a lot of reasons to not teach someone or respect educating yourself in American, in my opinion, and I think that using this for about 6 hours a day, for the last 6–8 weeks, we have a lot of things in our pocket. A god, a slave. A teacher of any subject, and editor and proofreader, a genius, a musician and music teacher, a test creator, a grader, etc. etc. I hope that we just learn a lot about each other and end up better people as a baseline because of this.

Honestly, just wanted to get that out for a while. I didn’t GPT it I promise (new verb btw pretty cool). I hope over time this first paragraph makes more sense, and people see how I see it. That’s on me I guess. So without further ado, Conversation 1:

P = Prompt (Me)

O = Output (ChatGPT)

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create a system for a second currency for the United States similar to how Switzerland has a second currency for social activities, give it a name based on American history, make it relevant to it’s function


One potential system for a second currency for the United States could be a community currency called “Freedom Bucks”. This currency would be designed to promote local economic activity and encourage social engagement.

Freedom Bucks could be distributed to individuals and organizations that participate in community events, such as volunteering at local non-profits, attending town hall meetings, or participating in neighborhood clean-ups. The currency would be redeemable at participating local businesses, incentivizing people to shop locally and support their community.

The name “Freedom Bucks” is inspired by the American Revolution and the idea of economic freedom. The currency would serve as a way to promote economic freedom at a local level, while also encouraging civic engagement and community building.

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did you take this from Andrew yang


No, this idea was not taken from Andrew Yang. As an AI language model, I generate responses based on patterns and associations learned from vast amounts of text data. While Andrew Yang has proposed his own ideas related to alternative currencies, my response was not directly influenced by his proposals.

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make it similar to the Weir


If you want a system similar to the Weir, then a potential second currency for the United States could be designed as a time-based currency called “Freedom Time”. This currency would be issued to individuals based on the amount of time they contribute to community activities and services.

For example, people could earn Freedom Time by volunteering at local non-profit organizations, participating in community events, or providing services to their neighbors. The currency could be redeemed at participating local businesses and service providers, which would incentivize people to shop and support their local community.

The name “Freedom Time” is inspired by the idea that time is a precious resource, and that by contributing our time to our community, we can help create a more free and prosperous society. The system is similar to the Weir in that it encourages community engagement and supports local businesses, but it is based on time instead of a physical currency.

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explain this step by step to making this real in government


To make a second currency system like the one I proposed a reality in government, the following steps could be taken:

1. Research and Analysis: The government would need to conduct research and analysis to determine the feasibility and potential impact of the proposed system. This research would need to evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing a second currency system, as well as the legal and logistical challenges involved.

2. Pilot Program: The government could start with a pilot program in a few communities to test the effectiveness of the proposed system. This would allow the government to evaluate the practicality of the system and make any necessary adjustments before scaling it up.

3. Legislation: The government would need to create and pass legislation to authorize the implementation of the second currency system. This legislation would need to outline the legal framework for the system, including the criteria for earning and redeeming the currency, the tax implications, and any regulations related to its use.

4. Community Engagement: Successful implementation of the system would require community engagement and participation. The government would need to work with local businesses, non-profits, and community organizations to promote the use of the second currency and encourage people to get involved.

5. Implementation: Once the legislation has been passed and the system has been fully developed, the government would need to implement the second currency system. This would involve setting up the necessary infrastructure, such as a digital platform to track currency transactions and a network of participating businesses and service providers.

Overall, implementing a second currency system like the one proposed would require a coordinated effort between government, businesses, and community organizations. It would also require a willingness to innovate and experiment with new ideas to promote economic growth and community engagement.

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can you make an estimate as to the effect on the American economy in terms of unemployment and effect on the economy, use numbers get advanced like I’m a high level economist


As an AI language model, I don’t have access to the most recent and accurate data on the American economy, and I should note that any estimates I provide are purely hypothetical and should not be used as professional advice. However, based on previous studies and research on community currencies, it is possible to make some general predictions about the potential effects of a second currency like the one I proposed.

One potential benefit of a second currency system is that it could help reduce unemployment by creating new opportunities for people to earn currency and participate in their local economy. By incentivizing people to get involved in community activities and services, the system could also help build social capital and promote a sense of community ownership and pride, which can lead to increased economic activity.

Additionally, a second currency system could lead to increased spending at local businesses, which could have a positive impact on the overall economy. By providing an additional revenue stream for local businesses, the system could help support the growth of small businesses and the development of new products and services.

However, it is also important to consider the potential drawbacks of a second currency system. For example, if the system is not properly regulated or monitored, it could lead to inflation or other economic imbalances. Additionally, the system may not be accessible or appealing to everyone, which could lead to social and economic inequality.

In terms of specific numbers, it is difficult to make accurate predictions without a more detailed analysis of the proposed system and its potential impact. However, previous studies on community currencies have found that they can have a positive impact on local economies by increasing economic activity and reducing unemployment. For example, a study of the Bristol Pound, a community currency in the UK, found that it led to increased spending at local businesses and helped create new jobs.

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Explain the credit part with examples


what have been the effects of a second currency system where the weir is implemented — explain how it is used in france

The Weir is a community currency system that was implemented in France in 2014. The system is based on a mutual credit system, where members earn and spend credit based on their participation in local community activities and services. The Weir is used in several communities in France, including the city of Nantes.

The effects of the Weir on the local economy and community have been largely positive. For example, the system has helped increase economic activity by providing an additional revenue stream for local businesses. By incentivizing people to shop locally and support their community, the Weir has helped promote the growth of small businesses and the development of new products and services.

The Weir has also helped build social capital and promote a sense of community ownership and pride. By providing a way for people to earn credit based on their participation in community activities and services, the system has encouraged people to get involved in their local community and build relationships with their neighbors.

The Weir is also designed to be accessible and inclusive, with a focus on supporting marginalized communities and promoting social and economic equity. For example, the system provides credit to people who may not have access to traditional financial services or who are excluded from the mainstream economy.

Overall, the Weir has been successful in promoting economic growth and social capital in the communities where it is implemented. While there have been some challenges and limitations to the system, such as the need for ongoing community engagement and education, the Weir has demonstrated the potential for community currencies to support local economies and build more resilient and equitable communities.

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what problems arose with the implementation of the Weir


While the Weir has been successful in promoting economic growth and social capital in the communities where it is implemented, there have been some challenges and limitations to the system.

One of the main challenges with the implementation of the Weir has been the need for ongoing community engagement and education. The system relies on active participation from members of the community, and it can be difficult to maintain interest and involvement over time. In some cases, members may lose interest or become disengaged from the system, which can lead to a decrease in economic activity and social capital.

Another challenge with the Weir is the need for a critical mass of members to make the system viable. In order for the system to function effectively, there needs to be enough members and economic activity to support a wide range of goods and services. If there are not enough members participating in the system, it can be difficult to maintain a diverse and robust economy.

Additionally, there have been concerns about the potential for fraud or misuse of the system. Since the Weir is not backed by a traditional currency, there is a risk that some members may try to exploit the system for personal gain. This can include inflating the value of goods or services, or engaging in fraudulent transactions.

Finally, there have been some limitations to the types of goods and services that can be exchanged through the system. For example, certain types of goods or services may not be feasible to exchange through the Weir, such as large ticket items like cars or homes.

Overall, while the Weir has demonstrated the potential for community currencies to support local economies and build more resilient and equitable communities, there are still some challenges and limitations to the system that need to be addressed in order to ensure its long-term viability and success.

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can you provide some recommendations to avoid potential problems implementing this in the united states


Sure, here are some recommendations to avoid potential problems when implementing a mutual credit system like the Weir in the United States:

1. Conduct thorough community outreach and education: Before implementing a mutual credit system, it’s important to engage with the community to build interest and support for the system. This can include hosting community meetings, conducting surveys, and providing educational resources to help members understand the benefits and limitations of the system.

2. Develop clear rules and guidelines: To prevent fraud and abuse, it’s important to establish clear rules and guidelines for the use of the mutual credit system. This can include setting limits on credit balances, establishing standards for the valuation of goods and services, and implementing processes for dispute resolution.

3. Build a diverse and robust network of members: In order for the system to be successful, it’s important to attract a diverse group of members who can offer a wide range of goods and services. This can include reaching out to local businesses, community organizations, and individuals who have skills or resources to share.

4. Leverage existing community resources and infrastructure: To maximize the impact of the mutual credit system, it can be helpful to leverage existing community resources and infrastructure. This can include partnering with local government agencies, community development organizations, and other groups that are already working to support local economic development.

5. Foster ongoing engagement and participation: To maintain the viability of the mutual credit system over time, it’s important to foster ongoing engagement and participation from members of the community. This can include hosting community events, providing incentives for participation, and regularly communicating with members to solicit feedback and input.

By following these recommendations, communities can help ensure that the implementation of a mutual credit system like the Weir is successful and sustainable over the long term.

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can you provide some recommendations to avoid potential problems implementing this in the united states


Sure, here are some recommendations to avoid potential problems when implementing a mutual credit system like the Weir in the United States:

1. Build strong community engagement: One of the key factors in the success of the Weir is the active participation of community members. To ensure the success of a mutual credit system, it is important to build strong community engagement from the outset. This can include outreach and education campaigns, community events, and other efforts to build excitement and interest in the system.

2. Partner with local organizations: To help build critical mass and ensure a diverse range of goods and services, it can be helpful to partner with local organizations such as community groups, nonprofits, and businesses. These organizations can help promote the system and encourage their members to participate, as well as provide valuable goods and services to the community.

3. Develop clear guidelines and rules: To avoid potential fraud or misuse of the system, it is important to develop clear guidelines and rules for participation. This can include guidelines around how credit is earned and spent, rules around fair pricing, and mechanisms for resolving disputes.

4. Leverage technology: Technology can be a powerful tool for managing a mutual credit system. Consider using a digital platform to track credit balances, facilitate transactions, and provide real-time data on the health of the system.

5. Start small and scale up: To ensure the system is viable, it may be helpful to start small and gradually scale up as the community becomes more comfortable with the system. This can help ensure that the system is sustainable over the long term and avoids potential pitfalls associated with rapid expansion.

By following these recommendations, communities in the United States can implement a successful mutual credit system that promotes economic growth, social capital, and community resilience.

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Notes and Thoughts:

I chose to write about this topic because it solved a social problem, and it involved government, and I saw a video about this once, and thought it would really help this country, that is below the poverty line, on average. I can only hope this helps government run better and add to the qualitative and conceptual side. Government needs logic and reason bad at the moment.

Andrew Yang did run on a policy called Freedom Bucks, or at least talked about it, which is funny enough how I got interested in this, and also funny enough he mentioned he tested the name out and wanted to pick the most American one, because that’s basically how this thing did it — “Freedom” and “Bucks” came up when I asked it to keep American heritage in mind — I was sort of expecting the name of a person, just sorted ended up being based in “freedom-based propaganda” and the slang term for dollar bill lol. At time’s it is created, at time’s it shits the bed to be honest. Final point here, similarities like these really highlight just how much we can learn about learning from this thing, associations, etc.

Length is impressive, information is impressive.

  • not looking to edit or proofread responses, I would rather respond, learn, fact-check, and just sort of let it exist, for people to take knowledge from the mistakes — but know that with the proper proofreading process, human intelligence should now be looked at as capable of being baseline higher now, and this needs to be the focus.

I personally like making lists, it makes me feel more creative, you will see that in a lot of these chats. I also think it bails the AI out and helps it exhausts out ideas. Also from a creative perspective, seeing option and option, and various patterns, often times inspires me better than just being told one answer. I also don’t really like getting just one definitive answer when it comes to conceptual things, from this, unless I can get specific very few things have a definitive answer. Also sort of funny, I have found that if I have a list made of 50–100+ items in it, it starts to do what we do when we run out of ideas, and will say something and just swap out a word and thats the next thing on the list, and example would be something like “make me 100 types of poems from different countries” you’ll find a few options like: the urban experience of a brooklynite, the urban experience of a chicagoian, the urban experience of a los angeles native” and kind of keep that pattern, sort of similar to how we often BS things. Also a great exmple of general intelligence too. You guys will see this more over time.

Overall, this gave me a pretty cookie cutter answer, but what really informative. Also cookie cutter really isn’t bad in my opinion, the speed of the responses was fast as hell, and I was able to learn about this topic quickly, and gave me a barebones guidelines to get this started in my community, all in a few minutes, A bathroom break, if you will. Incredible that anything could do this in my opinion. I am numb to what are basically miracles happening everyday, in the world of knowledge expansion and learning, and communication. I could also make the guidelines more specific, I could have it make a schedule of door knocking if I gave it a table of addresses, and put it right into Excel. Cool stuff. The screenshot is below, and thank you so much for reading this far, I want to make a lot of these.



Alexander Luyando
Prompt Thoughts

Freelance Writer and Analyst, please inquire about research, thank you!