OpenAI GPT Store

Erik Blakkestad
Prompt Trainer
Published in
3 min readNov 12, 2023

Get started building custom GPT’s for the OpenAI GPT store


UPDATE: The OpenAI GPT Store is now open

BGR — OpenAI’s GPT Store is now live, but you need to pay for ChatGPT first

ZDNet — GPT Store is OpenAI’s most compelling reason to become a ChatGPT Plus subscriber yet

TechCrunch — OpenAI launches a store for custom AI-powered chatbots

Hasan Aboul Hasan — How To Create AI Tools in Minutes! — Start Making Money Selling GPTs on OpenAI’s New Store

Kishor K — Why Creating for the GPT Store is Your 2024 Opportunity

VentureBeat —OpenAI GPT Store launching next week

“Eventually, you’ll have your personalized GPTs that can call out to lots of other GPTs,” — Sam Altman, OpenAI

“OpenAI is also rolling out a GPT Store, starting later this month, to allow GPTs to become searchable. Similar to other app stores, they’ll be listed on a leaderboard, and the company will highlight useful tools across categories such as productivity, education and “just for fun.” The company said developers will also be able to earn money based on how many people are using their GPT.” CNN

How to Add Custom GPTs to Any Website
Add Actions to your GPT in ChatGPT! (Full Guide) — by AI Foundations

10 innovative custom GPT’s in the video below

“Very soon, tech companies tell us, A.I. “agents” will be able to send emails and schedule meetings for us, book restaurant reservations and plane tickets, and handle complex tasks like “negotiate a raise with my boss” or “buy Christmas presents for all my family members.”

That phase, though still remote, came a little closer on Monday when OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, announced that users could now create their own, personalized chatbots.” Kevin Roose, New York Times

Getting Started

AMB Crypto — 5 Key Facts About the 2024 Launch of the GPT Store by OpenAI

ArsTechnica — OpenAI introduces custom AI assistants called “GPTs” that play different roles

Beboom — OpenAI GPTs: How to Create a Personalized ChatGPT

Benzinga — 12 Crazy Things Built In 12 Hours Since The OpenAI Dev Day Announcements

Bored Geek Society — GPT-4, GPTs Store, Assistant APIs and much more: How OpenAI Updates will Impact Your Business

Community.openai —Criteria for getting Custom GPT accepted to the OpenAI GPT Marketplace

CNBC — You can now build your own version of ChatGPT — here’s what to know — From Offended Bots to Occult Gurus, The 7 Best Custom GPTs People Have Created — So Far

Fively Blog — 20 Best Ideas for AI-Based Products to Develop in 2024

IPG Media Lab — OpenAI Aims to Build the App Store for AI Chatbots — Will Brands Rush In?

Make Use Of — ChatGPT’s Latest Update Lets You Create Completely Custom GPT Models

Make Use Of — How to Use “Create a GPT” to Create a Customized Version of ChatGPT

Medium — OpenAI store IS the app store for AI

Prompt Engineering — Potential Issues with Custom GPT Models

Search Engine Journal — Custom GPTs: New Ways To Utilize ChatGPT For SEO & Marketing

The Verge — OpenAI is letting anyone create their own version of ChatGPT

Tristan Wolff — Complete Guide to Building Customized GPTs with ChatGPT

VentureBeat — How to use OpenAI’s new GPT BuilChatGPT’s Latest Update Lets You Create Completely Custom GPT Modelser

ZDNet — Here’s how to create your own custom chatbots using ChatGPT

Deep Dives into the latest OpenAI custom GPT update

Examples of new GPT’s

Dataconomy — 5 Best GPT’s so far

Decrypt — From Offended Bots to Occult Gurus, The 7 Best Custom GPTs People Have Created — So Far

Level Up Coding — 5 Best GPTs You Must See Before The GPT Market Will be Available

Search Engine Journal — List Of 16 GPT SEO AI Tools Publicly Available Right Now

Comic Copycat GPT — This AI turns trending comics into entirely new original strips for you

Shushant Lakhyani — 10 GPTs Built Using GPT Builder That Have Gone Viral

Watch the full opening keynote with OpenAI’s Sam Altman below



Erik Blakkestad
Prompt Trainer

Hack wordsmith with flimsy story ideas, no motivation and incurable writer’s block