32 Flavors

Vanilla, chocolate, or something else entirely?

Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written
Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2022


Photo by Sharon Tay on Unsplash

“Well now, isn’t that a loaded question on so many levels?” the woman says, gazing up at her server.

“I… I don’t know…” the young girl stammers as a light pink flushes upon her cheeks.

The woman lets out a boisterous laugh. She loves to make young things blush. This is the highlight of her night.

“Sit, child and let me explain,” the woman says as she points to the chair beside her.

The young girl shakes her head. “We aren’t allowed to sit, ma’am.”

The woman cringes slightly at the ma’am reference, but doesn’t lose her composure. “I insist,” she says with authority in her voice.

The young girl complies.

When the girl is situated just beside her, the woman leans in and begins speaking. “You see, child, when you ask a question like that, one just has to respond. I like vanilla and hard core. Any type of sex will do. I also like vanilla, chocolate, red velvet, and any other flavor a partner comes in. I am not picky at all. How about you? What’s your preference?”

“Ma’am! I am only 16!” the girl shouts, her face completely crimson now. “I… I just want to know… ummm.. what flavor ice…



Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written

Writing Coach, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist, Artist, Dreamer | “Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean” ~Thich Nhat Hanh