A Few Reminders to PW Writers

Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written
Published in
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2 min readDec 5, 2021
Photo by Dovi on Unsplash

Greetings PW Writers! The pub is open, but only briefly! Come in for a drink and a snack. This is just a quick update and reminder.

  • As I stated in my last newsletter, I will be going in for surgery and will be unavailable at PW from Dec 5–7th. Hopefully, if all goes well, I will be returning on the 8th. No worries though! Alyse Rowe and Katrina D. will be on call to edit and publish your stories. Please keep in mind that our lovely editors have lives, are only part-time, and are unpaid. They will try to get to your stories in a timely manner.
  • The weekly newsletter will be running late this week. So when I am finally able to put it together, expect a rather lengthy one.
  • PW is in a collaboration with Coffee Times. Winston is currently running a challenge called Take Part In Our Coffee Challenge and Win $50. If you see any stories with the subtitle “In response to Coffee Challenge; Why I am a pro(or anti) shoutout movement”, please go read the stories and give a very generous CLAP (50 please!). In order for these articles to be eligible to win, they must have at least 1000 claps.
  • PW writers can participate in this challenge, but please read ALL the RULES on Winston’s post. Joining Coffee Times is a must to enter.
  • Remember, December is a month of Giving. Please be generous and read your fellow writers’ works and give generous claps. Giving a shoutout to someone else’s work in your own posts is another way to show generosity.

That’s all for now, me lovelies! Have a wonderful upcoming week and I will see you all post-surgery. Much love and blessings to you all!

Ravyne Hawke, EIC



Ravyne Hawke
Promptly Written

Writing Coach, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist, Artist, Dreamer | “Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it is the Ocean” ~Thich Nhat Hanh