A Hundred Followers

The attainable goal

Nicholas Breen
Promptly Written
3 min readApr 27, 2023


Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash

There once was a guy who had a spark. Not a visible spark, but a spark nonetheless. He had a desire, a passion, an intrinsic motivation… to become an author! To write! To share his ideas with the world! Some people called him ambitious, others called him a dreamer. This short story is about that person, by that person, written with the hope that it will contribute to the goal of 100 followers.

So where does this story begin? With the first known writings from this mysterious individual, hidden behind online profiles. During his childhood, he began writing about his days. Just some innocent, consistent journaling. At what age? When did this future author begin scribbling thoughts on pages with graphite? It was sometime in elementary school. That’s when it all really began.

Pages and pages, lines and lines manifested themselves out of the mind of a unique kid. The life of solitude allowed for plenty of free time. With nearly nobody to converse with, coupled with a mind full of ideas, he chose to express himself through the artform of writing. This went on for years, years I say! Some pages had pictures, but most of the lines contained notions that some would call mad and others would call ingenious.

Three journals later, this young lad chose to take a break from the artform. Mainly to pursue his more well-known passion of being a martial artist. Years of Tae Kwon Do and five seasons of wrestling helped him build character, confidence, and mental fortitude. The integration of the principles learned through combat and self-defense led to a fascinating combination of wisdom and strength. Through the fires of life, his mind was forged! Sharpened by experience and reflection! What exists now is a powerful tool with strength comparable to iron yet malleable as gold.

This same mysterious mind faced months of struggle after the worldwide lockdown of 2020! Fresh out of high school, with most of life ahead, a daunting future loomed as the virus spread across the land. Darkness shrouded his vision, and the end felt near. How could this unnamed character face this complicated reality? How could the soul of this being overcome a mind fragmented by concussions and psychedelics? Was it possible to create something positive from this human experience? What was the answer? POETRY!

Rhythmic expressions of thoughts and emotions filled the pages of a black book. Turmoil and torment produced beautiful works of art inspired by the lowest points of a man’s existence. Day by day, insightful combinations of rhythm and rhymes appeared as a result of this person’s state of mind. Eventually, with enough productive self-expression, he began to feel a little better each day. Rather than holding onto those feelings, he got them out into the world, making room for new thoughts and ideas.

As the benefits of consistent writing became apparent, he decided to begin journaling again. It started out with once a week, then once every few days, then every other day, and it soon became part of his daily routine. At the end of the day, he sat alone with his thoughts and reflected on what happened. This improved self-confidence, accountability, mindfulness, and many other aspects of character. This continues to this day, with a trail of journals leading to the current book of thoughts, revealing a consecutive, chronological story that parallels the life of a future author.

Now, this unnamed protagonist writes short stories, helpful essays based on his experiences, and of course, poetry. He has challenged himself with a worthy goal. To earn 100 followers on this platform of creativity and ideas! With the hope of one day becoming an established, well-known author! This may be a shout into the void, a beckoning for an uncertain future, but he is willing to take that chance in the pursuit of doing what he loves. He is willing to risk everything for the aspiration of sharing his ideas with the world. So I ask of you, oh anonymous reader, will you contribute to this attainable goal?



Nicholas Breen
Promptly Written

Aspiring author who writes for the dreamers, the learners, the unknown poets and people of this world. To learn more about me: https://tinyurl.com/TheBreenShow