A Leprechaun’s Gold

Poetry - A Leprechaun’s Unfortunate Obsession

C. Chou
Promptly Written
2 min readApr 6, 2022


Leprechaun and a Pot of Gold
Image courtesy of the author

For years and years,
That Leprechaun
Has only filled the same mold

A hapless fool,
His mind charmed by
his pot of gold

A poor sod
That thinks of nothing
But to keep
The metals within his hold

I have to admit
At this point,
It really gets old

Outside the window,
I catch him,
Staring up guardedly,
With eyes so cold.

He turns a cold shoulder,
His heart firmly chained
To the pot of gold

And I wonder,
When he will fold,
And realize that what matters
Is not the gold

This poem was inspired by a writing prompt from the “Storyteller’s Vault” Publication.

Pot of Gold
charmed | hapless

Special Thanks to Chelsea Marie for the prompt!

Thanks to Ravyne Hawke, Marcus aka Gregory Maidman, Joanne Olivieri, Charlie Cole, and Rose Malana for publishing!

And finally, thanks to all of my readers for reading!

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C. Chou
Promptly Written

A writer that loves cabbages and bamboo, but also enjoys writing and sharing fiction (particularly the fantasy genre). Read more at: https://chouxherbe.com/