A Maelstrom of Blind Insanity

Let Sleeping Gods Lie, Act 2: The Other Side #9

Jackson Barr Stories
Promptly Written


Photo by Josh Rose on Unsplash

Continued from The Nightmare Boy. Catch up on all the stories from Act1: An Unusual Brain here.

Hysterical laughter echoed from above.

Abraham looked in the jar, the tiny boy was smiling up at him.

‘I don’t understand.’ Abe looked at Karut — who for the first time since Abraham had met him — looked mildly concerned.

The sky darkened as the nightmare boy looked down on the vast planet like a lost marble. He took it in his hand and began to squeeze.

Karut watched the two boys fight. Out in the empty cosmos now, vying for control of the dream. Celestial bodies flashed and burned, supernovas and black holes tore at the material universe in a violent confrontation of will and gravity and the fundamental axioms of existence.

Abe made himself a massive star and caught the nightmare boy in his gravity, searing and burning him, mind and body, but the boy only laughed and exalted in the pain. He threw off Abe’s gravity like old clothes and willed a galaxy into existence with a thought and began to fling moons and planets and stars at Abraham until he fell, burning.

‘I told you, you belong to me! And now you will watch as I eat your new world, then…



Jackson Barr Stories
Promptly Written

Learning to read more like a writer and write more like a reader.