A Most Wondrous Life

The Greatest Gift

Joe Merkle
Promptly Written


Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

she faded away slowly

but painlessly for her

for me each moment

day after day I died inside

every night I cried silently

or sobbed quietly

trying not to wake her

retrospectively that was unlikely

first her motor responses failed

followed quickly with her mental awareness

at times I wondered if she knew who I was

I believe she did until the very end

nothing in life prepared me for a loss so deep

how can it, it is unimaginable

when your soul is shredded, torn to tatters

no adhesive has been discovered to patch that

and the world suffered as well

to have lost her laughter and smile

that lit the darkness in times of strife

for all those she touched in her life

her greatest gifts were ones she easily shared

perhaps her greatest was how much she cared

she generously shared compassion and kindness



Joe Merkle
Promptly Written

I write about love, life, loss, kindness, and gratitude. Toss in some fiction and humor and you have the meanderings of a multifarious writer.