A Thoughtful Thursday

A new series I hope to keep up. This one regards growing apart.

Kevin Baugh
Promptly Written
2 min readJun 16, 2023


My Clinic Staff by Kevin Baugh

“Growing apart doesn’t change the fact that for a long time, we grew side by side; our roots will always be tangled. I’m glad for that.”
― Ally Condie, Matched

As we grow up and move on from our childhood homes towards what hopefully is a bright and loving future, we meet and part with several hundreds of people. Some come into our lives for the briefest moments and do nothing more than stir up our usually dull lives. These people tend to be forgettable, and we never speak to or of them again. On rare occasions, we find ourselves in situations where our dull lives have been turned upside down, and everything is going wild. During these moments, the most unforgettable people tend to make themselves known.

The quote by Ally Condie reminds me of several people with whom I share a deep love, tragic past, and rocky present. We all served in the United States Army together. Some were in training with me, some were part of my unit, and others were colleagues from other units in the same clinic. Together we worked to train and prepare each other for battle. We met each other’s family, friends, significant others, etc. When deployed, we spoke as often as possible, checking in to ensure the other was doing ok mentally and physically.

We slowly moved on to other units or out of the military altogether; however, we never lost touch. Though we are miles apart today, we watch others grow through social media. We cheer on their accomplishments and their families. We attempt to help each other carry the struggle of our service when it gets heavy. If not for the tangled roots I have with these fantastic people, I would possibly still be struggling with uncontrolled PTSD, alcoholism, and trauma from military sexual assault.

Growing apart does not have to mean that you leave their lives; sometimes, it just means our journeys need to take different directions right now, but we still need each other. I will always be grateful for the roots I share with my beloved friends.

Our Thursday Thought was happily prompted by Promptly Written. Editing was completed by Ravyne Hawke Petunia Petals and the Promptly Written editing team. Thank you, ladies.

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Kevin Baugh
Promptly Written

Entrepreneur • Poet • Fiction Writer • Crafter • Amateur Photographer • Artist • Gardener • Veteran • Cook • Neurodivergent