A Word-A-Day

Your word-a-day list for June 2022

Christine Graves
Promptly Written


Photo by Recal Media on Unsplash

Hello my lovelies and welcome to June!!! I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by. Seems like only yesterday that I was posting my first prompt piece and here we are, six months in, and I’m still having the time of my life.

I want to thank everyone who’ve created pieces from last month’s Word-A-Day prompts. I have to admit that I’ve sluffed off the past week or so, but I needed to take a step back and get my head straight. I will continue to add posts to the list as I read them, so please bear with me as I have several days worth of reading to catch up on.

May Word-A-Day responses

At the time of this writing, there are a total of 75 posts for the May Word-A-Day list. I know there are more, I just haven’t gotten to them yet. I promise that I’ll get caught up and get them all added for your reading pleasure.

Last month, I tried to create a word per day that coincided with a world holiday. This month, I just went all willy-nilly. There are a few words in there that have to do with the day in which they’re associated, but for the most part, I just…



Christine Graves
Promptly Written

Mother, grandmother, poet, storyteller, craft hoarder, ancient history fanatic, vintage junk collector, and classic smartass.