Always Grateful

Grateful Always

Kira Dawn
Promptly Written
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2021


Photo of Kira Dawn

I am grateful for the people I have met. You have helped me through struggles. Both good and bad. You have accepted me for who I am. I will end up coming back. When I start feeling anxious I’m not on the right path. My head tells me to stay. My heart, the Holy Spirit, is telling me I need a break. I listen to my heart as I know it will steer me straight.

I want you all to know. You have nothing to do with my decision to go. I already am feeling better. I jump on to write for the journal. Inside I find a pearl. A pearl of wisdom. Don’t judge others. Love one another my sisters and brothers. Keep on being who you are. Each and every one of us shines as bright as the brightest star.

Today I am grateful for all of you.

Thank you for reading. God bless you. Forever grateful.

Big shout out to Ravyne

(✨🌹Lori🌹✨). I am grateful for your kindness and support. This gratitude prompt has helped me). I will be attaching the November Grateful Heart prompt below:

Kira Dawn a.k.a. The Gorgeous Mess/November 20, 2021/All Rights Reserved



Kira Dawn
Promptly Written

Lyrical Prose molds my soul. Journey that led me to the Gorgeous Mess of Chaos that you see. One with God. I am merely a vessel. I am authentically me. Broken.