And That’s Why She Chose to Shut-in Her Emotions

The Daily Special — Dec 2nd Poetry Prompt

Sujona Chatterjee
Promptly Written


Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

There was a girl,
Who believed in true love.
Though her idea of love,
Was based on the books she read,
She smiled when she dreamt,
About her love coming to life.

She didn’t know how intoxicating it would be,
How could she when no one held her for so long.
Until she met the man of her dreams,
Who showed her stars in the hot Mumbai sun.

She craved to feel her wild emotions,
And wanted to bottle the smell of passion.
She finally understood what those authors meant,
When they termed love cannot be explained,
But must be felt.

She knew all this was too good to be true,
Her heart shattered when love turned into emotional abuse.
False promises hurt and words lost their meaning.
And then she understood what authors meant about that numbing feeling.

While she broke free of the suffocation,
She couldn’t forget the raging feelings of passion.
How could she, as now she knows how it feels.
She wondered, it would have been better if she never knew,
What love does to the heart and how the body craves to be loved.

She couldn’t think nor focus as her mind kept visiting the past.
Then she decided she must freeze her heart.
As much as she craved to be in love,
It hurt too much, and she decided to shut it all.

Then she refused to feel anything.
When a familiar scent passed by,
She chose to delete all the memories.
She shut herself and created her new world,
Where all that existed was work and new milestones.

People questioned,
But she refused them answers.
When her lover contacted her again,
She couldn’t remember what it all felt.
Society termed her cruel and ruthless.
If only they knew how love wrecked her from within.

Thank you Ravyne Hawke for this thought-provoking prompt.

I thoroughly enjoyed penning down my thoughts when my emotions felt the true meaning of what it means to shut your emotions when love wrecks you inside out.

Dear reader, inclusion to the Medium Partner Program is currently not eligible for Indian writers. If you enjoyed reading this poem, please consider buying me a cup of ‘coffee’ here.

Thanks so much for your time!



Sujona Chatterjee
Promptly Written

Living life the only way I know how — one day at a time.