Angel Wings


Joe Merkle
Promptly Written


What would think
If you woke in the morning
To find you grew wings
Would it be frightening

Would your hair be on fire
Trying to find appropriate attire
To hide your angelic high-fliers
By flexing your inner McGyver

Or would you spread your newfound feathers
Dare to take flight to wherever
Your soul untethered
Dropping in on a heavenly get-together

With bygone friends and family
Hugs and kisses accepted gratefully
Realizing there’s more to reality
An awareness that flaunts rationality

A sense of home envelopes you
Drenches your senses like never before
Willing to break your earthly curfew
To be unbound forevermore

Still, your earthly chores are quite persistent
Begging, pleading for your consent
To finish what you came to implement
To love and cherish this human experience



Joe Merkle
Promptly Written

I write about love, life, loss, kindness, and gratitude. Toss in some fiction and humor and you have the meanderings of a multifarious writer.