April National Poetry Month Update

An update on the challenge

Teisha LeShea
Promptly Written


Photo by Kouji Tsuru on Unsplash

This will be short and sweet.

For those following the challenge, thank you for the support and support of other writers on this platform. I seek new members as much as possible to keep them encouraged. This week is for family, so there’s a 90% chance I won’t create a new list this week. With the flowers blooming and everyone being outside, there’s been a dip in my reads and engagement, and all the work I’m putting into these curated lists lacks attention and reads.

Next week I will create one and finally list for this April poetry challenge, but I will continue adding poems to the list for you all to follow. Below I will add the lists I have created and the poetry collection I’ve read for you to follow. Please clap, comment, and share this list for other Medium members to read and engage with. Thanks again to Rh for allowing me to showcase these lists and thank you to the poets and writers who enjoy reading these lists.

List One

