Are We There Yet?

A response to a prompt by Christine Graves

Suma Narayan
Promptly Written
1 min readJan 21, 2022


Photo by Илья Мельниченко on Unsplash

They said

We would reach a space,

A wonderful space,

When machines would be human

And humans immortal

Are we there yet?

The world would shrink

As we grew closer together,

We would all be one family

Building bridges, not breaking them,

Are we there yet?

Women would gain eternal beauty,

Men, eternal youth;

Children could be created in labs


Are we there yet?

Or, women would become ‘handmaids’,

‘Napoleon’ and ‘Squealer’ would rule the roost,

The clock would strike thirteen,

and it would be the ‘best of times, the worst of times’

Are we there yet?

We would control smart Alex,

(Though smart Alex would secretly control us,)

Siree would direct us in the ‘right’ direction.

And ‘global positions’ lead us home.

Are we there yet?

©️ 2022 Suma Narayan. All Rights Reserved.

This is a response to one of the weekly prompts of the pub, ‘Promptly Written’.



Suma Narayan
Promptly Written

Loves people, cats and tea: believes humanity is good by default, and that all prayer works. Also writes books. Support me at: