
A Poem

Peter Ling
Promptly Written


Photo by Sung Jin Cho on Unsplash

Going up, And up.

Is that Always Good?

Low point. High point.

Middling. Penthouse.

Photo by Luca Lago on Unsplash

Best is top. It seems.

It works in prose as well.

The story starts bleak

But ends with a cheer;

Or else, Paradise opens

And then, it’s lost.

Enjoy the climb.

Test yourself.

By all means, do.

But pause

In places

To admire the view.

Photo by Félix Lam on Unsplash

Thanks to Christine Graves and Ravyne Hawke for the Word of the Day Prompt for May 26

I still struggle with Medium’s text lay out commands and thus was unable to give this piece a nicely mountainous appearance! But thanks for reading and don’t forget to follow.



Peter Ling
Promptly Written

Historian and biographer but thankfully with a sense of humour. Expert on MLK, JFK, the Civil Rights Movement, and presidential scandals.