Better Late Than Never

Never my love

Star Love Grey
Promptly Written


Photo: AdinaVoicu (Pixabay)

Rushing down the sidewalk, I’m always running late.
Hoping for a green light, so I don’t have to wait.
Today must be my lucky day; there’s the green light!
My destination is closer and in my sight.

Quickly crossing, but now my path is blocked midway.
A giant, strange old man holds up a pocket watch.
“Get out of my way, I screamed; I can’t have delay!
I must pick up my Dad’s old award being patched.”

I fought to push past him; the shop was about to close.
Then my right foot was slipping on something metal.
A pie plate? What the hell! Why, how and then I fell.
I rose, the shop had closed and I a bloody nose.

The old man’s lifeless eyes stared deeply into mine.
Raising his strange ancient watch, it began to shine.
I’d be late as usual to my Dad’s soirée.
That old award I had cleaned was futility.

“It’s soon time,” the old man growled with teeth of decay.
Pocketing that haunted watch, he just walked away.
He freaked me out, so in the street’s where I did stay.



Star Love Grey
Promptly Written

I am the opened Pandora’s Box. Actress/Singer/Dancer, Writer, Poet. I’ll write any genre if it holds still long enough. Other boring stuff, but I’ll run out of