Briefly Me

A bio in less than 150 words

Valerie Williams
Promptly Written
2 min readMar 8, 2023


Photo by Matias North on Unsplash

Valerie is a 12-year-old girl in her mid-40s. For most of her life, she’s felt like a child’s Lego creation of random parts smooshed into something vaguely familiar. The kind of thing one might look at and say, “Oh! That’s nice!” while thinking, “What is it?”

As years passed, her parts got wobbly. First, the “wife” part fell off, followed by the “mommy” part, the “Jesus” part, and the “sister” part. One Christmas she found herself screaming in her bedroom. Grief from years of abuse and neglect gushed out of her as she realized she had no shape.

She got help.

After a year of trauma work, Valerie realized that her true self is the part of her that she hated the most… the awkward 12-year-old who wanted to draw and read in safety.

She hugged that part fiercely; snapping it in place.

It does not move.

This is my response to a March 2022 prompt from Promptly Written to write a bio in 3rd person in 150 words or less. Thanks to Ravyne Hawke for the challenge.

If you enjoyed this, a clap or comment goes a long way in brightening my day. You are beautiful and creative!



Valerie Williams
Promptly Written

I write about surviving as an adult while healing from developmental and childhood trauma.