Charlie’s Curation Corner

Nonfiction • May 22nd — May 28th

Charlie Cole
Promptly Written


Photo by Freddy Jimenez on Unsplash

The whale has gone away to do whale things, but some of the dolphins around are super excited about Nonfiction Friday. Who knew they were such essay enthusiasts? Speaking of which…


A modest curation today, but no less worthy of some eyeballs. If you have any suggestions on what else you would like to see in this newsletter or ways to improve it let me know in the comments.

In case you missed it this month’s writing challenge has been announced! Go here for all the information you need. We look forward to your entries.

Until next week, be like the dolphins and…

Read and give some love!

Curated by Charlie Cole.



Charlie Cole
Promptly Written

Writer • Photographer • Editor • Champion Overthinker • She/Her •