Dear Down Day Today I Dare You to Try and Define Me

Because the best part of me is fighting back

Jesse Wilson
Promptly Written


photo by Sasint from pixabay

Our deepest darkest days will dip us into a destiny of disappointments encouraging us to delve deep into a diseased sea of despair.

It is a deadly derogatory sea that drowns out any sign of something positive, dragging us deeper into witnessing our doubts and contemplating our decisions.

Once in the dank and dearth water, we believe we are left with lop-sided decisions to let the light within us become distant and dim a little further, decimating any ideas that would leave room for self-compassion.

We see only our demise and depression in this deceitfully dangerous dungeon, forgetting that what we face now will only define us if we dutifully decide to dance with our demons and fail to dissect disparaging dishes of dichotomies.

Our deepest darkest days are the inevitable debris of dedicated living, dividing us to our destruction. Yet, these days exist in contrast to the life we dared dream to live, serving as a disheartening reminder there are further discreet steps to our destination.

Life will always demand that if we stand with expectation, we must be willing to kneel in the days of our downfall and accept the final outcome is always dependent on our…



Jesse Wilson
Promptly Written

Writer | Poet - Inspiring people to find their purpose and live healthier, happier, more loving, and fulfilled lives.