Dinner Calls

Dec. 11 poetry prompt in Promptly Written

Joanne Olivieri
Promptly Written
1 min readDec 11, 2021


Photo by author taken of Wilbur the Barn Owl at the San Francisco zoo

Darkness falling

I feed on grain

and rodent prey.

I act, noticing greens and stems where my hunt begins. Swooping down and pouncing at the slightest movement in rustling bushes.

Oh, I can't wait for dinner!

Owls typically feed on rodents and baby chicks. They cannot see in the dark so rely on their acute sense of hearing to locate their pray.

The above photo is one I took at our local zoo. This is Wilbur the barn owl who I adopted years ago and lives at the SF zoo. He has neurological issues from contracting West Nile virus and as a result cannot be set free in the wild. This is a closeup of him eating his rodent dinner. They take excellent care of him and at 15 years old he is thriving.

Thank you to Ravyne Hawke for this poetry prompt https://link.medium.com/4OjrFUceUlb

Thank you for reading



Joanne Olivieri
Promptly Written

Published author, poet and photographer. Love birds, animals, food, art, books, music. Contact jmcojo@gmail.com - https://medium.com/@jodapoet