Do We Ever Really See Violet or Are We Perpetually Confused

Violet Poetry Challenge

Jesse Wilson
Promptly Written


Oh violet, I often wonder what is it about you
that to some you imitate a secondary colour
and yet to others, your signature is as fundamental
as the loyalty, wisdom, and immense beauty you represent

Beauty, as we know, is subjective,
beguiled by the human condition itself
We hide our monsters under our mattresses
So I wonder if your bed is when you are ultra
invisibly burning our skin

I like to think that is not your intention
perhaps your strength is our weakness
and for that reason, I must mention
we will always pay you attention

our beloved Evergarden, Beauregarde, Baudelaire
In the DC universe, you herald a social vanguard of young justice
to remind us how through inclusion,
the World always becomes a better place

More blue than red and yet to some,
they will consistently confuse you
for purple or…



Jesse Wilson
Promptly Written

Writer | Poet - Inspiring people to find their purpose and live healthier, happier, more loving, and fulfilled lives.