Draw a line before it all blurs…

Being loyal, honest and respectful of traditions while you wanna go “trending” — a story based on PW prompt

Priyanka Sinha
Promptly Written
3 min readJun 17, 2024


Pic source: pinterest.com

While mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, the song caught my attention — then I went to YouTube to listen to the whole thing. A bunch of young men jamming to Bhojpuri music took me to a time when I attended weddings in my village as a little girl, with my mother and grandmother. Ladies sang these humble folk songs in the regional language which would just be humming in the background for us kids who’d rather be more interested in the new dresses, getting ready and food served at the venue.

I was so glad that there was a sort of revival of the old traditions, ironically through modern social media.


(This song beautifully captures the emotions of the girl as she’ll be leaving her parent’s home soon & will be off to her husband’s.)

I shared the song’s link with my favourite people and family.

Maybe that makes me look older, my taste backward and incoherent to Gen Alfa. I get that because they haven’t been in those places ever.

But there’s a generation in the middle — a wannabe generation that knows and understands where it’s coming from. But too embarrassed to acknowledge it and cuts itself away from its roots — trying hard to look cool and modern. It’s funny how, in the garb of being trendy, they look down upon the values that have persisted for ages for a reason.

And speaking of weddings, they’re now just rip-offs of Bollywood — Hollywood mish-mash. For Eg, the bride and groom have to fast on the day of the Hindu wedding as they’re believed to be incarnations of Lord Vishnu and goddess Laxmi on the auspicious day.

Hindu wedding custom--pic source: pinterest.com

But now they’re the first ones to pop the bottle, tequila shots making their way to full bottles. Totally disregarding seniors around, who can find the visuals too bitter to gulp down!

A strict no to any music in the local language, it’s either a Hindi movie song or an English one — even better.

Doing away with all the rituals that bear ancient significance and replacing them with drinking, DJ and designer dresses and decor.

“Vibes” take over the tribe…

Well, of course it’s “to each it’s own” and “nothing is permanent except the change” etc etc.

But I still wonder if it’s possible to be educated and empowered and still be proud of our customs, culture, and civilization without mimicking others?

I think true empowerment comes from being confident in our own skin and flaunting it with pride!! So, stop being pretentious and let’s return to simple, modest and genuine classic ways!

Thank you for reading and please let me know what you think about it & does “the best of both worlds” exist?

A screenshot of the prompt that I used (author's pic)

Thank you Bella Smith ⭐ for the prompt and sorry that the “someone” turned out to be a grumpy me ;)

Here’s the link to this week’s interesting prompts.



Priyanka Sinha
Promptly Written

Hi ! I am Priyanka from India 🙏 A dentist by education, a wife & mom to 3 boys . "Magic of mundane" That's what I call my write ups, tales & tussles as I see