
Dreamwalkers — Chapter Eight

Even asleep, you’re not alone

Izzibella Beau
Promptly Written


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The following day, with the weight of newfound knowledge heavy on my mind, I sought out Chase and Stefan. They were often together, their bond evident in the way they moved in sync, like two sides of the same coin. I found them in the schoolyard, engaged in a hushed, intense conversation which ceased the moment they noticed me.

“Chase, Stefan, we need to discuss Zuli,” I said, my voice steady despite the whirlwind of doubts tormenting my mind.

Chase’s eyes narrowed, a flash of an unreadable emotion crossing his features before disappearing just as quickly. “What about her?” he replied, his tone laced with a caution that belied his outward calm.

“Her disappearance. You have to know something,” I insisted, my intuition screaming that they were entwined in this mystery far deeper than they let on.

Stefan’s gaze shifted, a dark shadow passing over his face. “Zuli’s fate was sealed by her own actions,” he stated, his voice cold, sending shivers down my spine. “Her obsession with the Veil and you led her down a path from which there’s no return.”

The mention of the Veil, the mystical boundary I had only begun to comprehend, and Zuli trying to figure out my part in this whole scheme, tied a knot of fear in my stomach. The pieces of this puzzle were slowly coming together, forming a picture of peril and uncertainty.

Chase’s demeanor softened momentarily, a hint of sorrow flickering in his eyes. “Zuli was lost to us long before she vanished,” his voice a mere whisper against the backdrop of the impending storm in the distance. “She ventured too far, too fast into the dreamwalkers’ realm, challenging forces beyond her control.”

Their cryptic responses only fueled my frustration and fear. A tangled web of secrets and lies seemed to weave around everyone involved with Zuli and the Veil. Who were they really, and what had happened to Zuli? I knew Zander had a part in all of this, I just didn’t know all the specifics just yet.

“Was she a danger? To the Veil, to us?” I questioned, my heart pounding, as I dared to probe deeper into the abyss.

Chase met my gaze, his eyes a sea of secrets. “Zuli became a threat to herself and the delicate balance of the Veil. It’s a boundary not just between dreams but between worlds. Its power is immense, its dangers, unfathomable.”

Stefan’s agreement was silent but palpable, his solemn nod conveying the gravity of their words. “The Veil’s balance is paramount, Cera. Its guardians have to wield their power with restraint. Without it, the consequences can be… deadly.”

“Is Zuli dead?”

Both Chase and Stefan shrugged a shoulder and walked away, done with my investigating.

As they retreated from my presence, the weight of their implications bore down on me. The dreamwalkers, the guardians of not just dreams but of the very fabric of reality itself, were embroiled in a conflict that spanned beyond my wildest imaginations. And Zuli, once a part of this intricate dance, had somehow lost her way.

My mind raced as I pondered their words. Chase and Stefan, with their dire warnings and veiled threats, stood on one side of this unseen battlefield. Zander, with his charm and enigmatic warnings, on the other.

Who among them wielded the truth?

Who harbored the deception?

The incoming darkness of the storm mirrored the turmoil within me. Trust, once given freely, now felt like a commodity I couldn’t afford.

As the shadows deepened, so too did the mystery of Zuli’s disappearance and my place within this hidden war.

A war where the lines between friend and foe were as blurred as the Veil they sought to protect or exploit.

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Izzibella Beau
Promptly Written

I write articles that will help you grow as a writer and as a person. I also write fictional stories that make you question everything about life and beyond