Droplets of Love: Sepigram Poem

‘Response for the Poetry Writing Challenge’

Jadine Lydia
Promptly Written
1 min readApr 14, 2022


Rocky River by Nhat Dao from Pexels > Image found and edited on Canva by Author

fell from her eyes in crystal droplets
seeping from the vault of her wobbly heart.
ran down her cheeks in restless wonder
blessing her skin with a waterfall of love.

gathered into streams, ran down her body
into the river of the mother and holy.
flowed over stones dropped from the heavens
blessing the land with her gentle blue rhythm.

Droplets fell, waterfall flowed, gentle blue blessing.

flowed into streams and gushed into rivers
raging the waters with her powerful white presence.
cascade into madness and circle in whirlpools
swirling and stirring, merging into raging white horses.

opened the flood gates, welcoming her rivers,
laced with droplets and waterfalls and raging white-waters.
welcomed the storms of her weathered emotions,
riding the waves of pure love and devotion.

Flood gates opened the waves of love.

I wrote this poem as part of the Promptly Written Poetry Writing Challenge.
You can enter the competition by clicking the link below.
Closing date April 30th at 6:00 pm US CDT.

Cendrine Marrouat Ravyne Hawke



Jadine Lydia
Promptly Written

Intuitive Life Coach L.C.H Dip. | Freelance Writer | Inspirational Content Creator #daretodream www.jadinelydia.com