Enchanted By The Forest

Natural beauty writes its own story

Promptly Written


Photo by Kacege

The woods so beautiful, verdant and green
Majestic trees soaring above so high
Carpeted floor exquisitely serene
Openly crowned by the clearest blue sky

So quiet, undisturbed, no one around
So peaceful, tranquil, alone on the earth
But silence broken by incessant sound
The birds of the forest burst out in mirth

Love songs from the heart resound through the wood
A robin, a rook, a blackbird, a dove
In chorus, melodic, tuneful, so good
A free concert from the heavens with love

Privilege mine to play a walk on part
In nature’s magical pageant sublime
The depth of such beauty fulfills my heart
Immersed in this sanctuary divine

Credit and thanks to Ravyne Hawke



Promptly Written

Observational writer describing things I see, having a bit of fun writing poetry. https://kacege.com/